Anatomy of the Human Body > Page 1008 CONTENTS · ILLUSTRATIONS · SUBJECT INDEX


  The lamellæ are connected with each other by an interstitial cement substance, in which are spaces, the corneal spaces. These are stellate in shape and communicate with one another by numerous offsets. Each contains a cell, the corneal corpuscle, resembling in form the space in which it is lodged, but not entirely filling it.

FIG. 871– Vertical section of human cornea from near the margin. (Waldeyer.) Magnified. 1. Epithelium. 2. Anterior elastic lamina. 3. substantia propria. 4. Posterior elastic lamina. 5. Endothelium of the anterior chamber. a. Oblique fibers in the anterior layer of the substantia propria. b. Lamellæ the fibers of which are cut across, producing a dotted appearance. c. Corneal corpuscles appearing fusiform in section. d. Lamellæ the fibers of which are cut longitudinally. e. Transition to the sclera, with more distinct fibrillation, and surmounted by a thicker epithelium. f. Small bloodvessels cut across near the margin of the cornea. (See enlarged image)

  The layer immediately beneath the corneal epithelium presents certain characteristics which have led some anatomists to regard it as a distinct membrane, and it has been named the anterior elastic lamina (lamina elastica anterior; anterior limiting layer; Bowman’s membrane). It differs, however, from the posterior elastic lamina, in presenting evidence of fibrillar structure, and in not having the same tendency to curl inward, or to undergo fracture, when detached from the other layers of the cornea. It consists of extremely closely interwoven fibrils, similar to those found in the substantia propria, but contains no corneal corpuscles. It may be regarded as a condensed part of the substantia propria.
  The posterior elastic lamina (lamina elastica posterior; membrane of Descemet; membrane of Demours) covers the posterior surface of the substantia propria, and is an elastic, transparent homogeneous membrane, of extreme thinness, which is not rendered opaque by either water, alcohol, or acids. When stripped from the substantia propria it curls up, or rolls upon itself with the attached surface innermost.
  At the margin of the cornea the posterior elastic lamina breaks up into fibers which form the trabecular tissue already described; the spaces between the trabeculæ are termed the