Anatomy of the Human Body > Page 1121 CONTENTS · ILLUSTRATIONS · SUBJECT INDEX


Development of the Teeth (Figs. 1009 to 1012).—In describing the development of the teeth, the mode of formation of the deciduous teeth must first be considered, and then that of the permanent series.

FIG. 1009– Sagittal section through the first lower deciduous molar of a human embryo 30 mm. long. (Röse.) X 100. L.E.L. Labiodental lamina, here separated from the dental lamina. Z.L. Placed over the shallow dental furrow, points to the dental lamina, which is spread out below to form the enamel germ of the future tooth. P.p. Bicuspidate papilla, capped by the enamel germ. Z.S. Condensed tissue forming dental sac. M.E. Mouth epithelium (See enlarged image)

FIG. 1010– Similar section through the canine tooth of an embryo 40 mm. long. (Röse.) X 100. L.F. Labio dental furrow. The other lettering as in Fig. 1009. (See enlarged image)

FIG. 1011– Vertical section of the mandible of an early human fetus. X 25. (See enlarged image)