Anatomy of the Human Body > Page 1222 CONTENTS · ILLUSTRATIONS · SUBJECT INDEX


(Fig. 1129). The glomerular or Bowman’s capsule, which surrounds the glomerulus, consists of a basement membrane, lined on its inner surface by a layer of flattened epithelial cells, which are reflected from the lining membrane on to the glomerulus, at the point of entrance or exit of the afferent and efferent vessels. The whole surface of the glomerulus is covered with a continuous layer of the same cells, on a delicate supporting membrane (Fig. 1130). Thus between the glomerulus and the capsule a space is left, forming a cavity lined by a continuous layer of squamous cells; this cavity varies in size according to the state of secretion and the amount of fluid present in it. In the fetus and young subject the lining epithelial cells are polyhedral or even columnar.

FIG. 1128– Scheme of renal tubule and its vascular supply. (See enlarged image)

FIG. 1129– Distribution of bloodvessels in cortex of kidney. (See enlarged image)

FIG. 1130– Glomerulus. (See enlarged image)