Anatomy of the Human Body > Page 414 CONTENTS · ILLUSTRATIONS · SUBJECT INDEX


Variations.—Occasionally, tendinous inscriptions occur from the tips of the tenth or eleventh cartilages or even from the ninth; an additional slip to the ninth cartilage is sometimes found; separation between iliac and inguinal parts may occur.
  The Cremaster (Fig. 396) is a thin muscular layer, composed of a number of fasciculi which arise from the middle of the inguinal ligament where its fibers are continuous with those of the Obliquus internus and also occasionally with the Transversus. It passes along the lateral side of the spermatic cord, descends with it through the subcutaneous inguinal ring upon the front and sides of the cord, and forms a series of loops which differ in thickness and length in different subjects. At the upper part of the cord the loops are short, but they become in succession longer and longer, the longest reaching down as low as the testis, where a few are inserted into the tunica vaginalis. These loops are united together by areolar tissue, and form a thin covering over the cord and testis, the cremasteric fascia. The fibers ascend along the medial side of the cord, and are inserted by a small pointed tendon into the tubercle and crest of the pubis and into the front of the sheath of the Rectus abdominis.

FIG. 396– The Cremaster. (See enlarged image)

  The Transversus abdominis (Transversalis muscle) (Fig. 397), so called from the direction of its fibers, is the most internal of the flat muscles of the abdomen, being placed immediately beneath the Obliquus internus. It arises, by fleshy fibers, from the lateral third of the inguinal ligament, from the anterior three-fourths of the inner lip of the iliac crest, from the inner surfaces of the cartilages of the lower six ribs, interdigitating with the diaphragm, and from the lumbodorsal fascia. The muscle ends in front in a broad aponeurosis, the lower fibers of which curve downward and medialward, and are inserted, together with those of the Obliquus internus, into the crest of the pubis and pectineal line, forming the inguinal aponeurotic falx. Throughout the rest of its extent the aponeurosis passes horizontally to the middle line, and is inserted into the linea alba; its upper three-fourths lie behind the Rectus and blend with the posterior lamella of the aponeurosis of the Obliquus internus; its lower fourth is in front of the Rectus.

Variations.—It may be more or less fused with the Obliquus internus or absent. The spermatic cord may pierce its lower border. Slender muscle slips from the ileopectineal line to transversalis fascia, the aponeurosis of the Transversus abdominis or the outer end of the linea semicircularis and other slender slips are occasionally found.
  The inguinal aponeurotic falx (falx aponeurotica inguinalis; conjoined tendon of Internal oblique and Transversalis muscle) of the Obliquus internus and Transversus is mainly formed by the lower part of the tendon of the Transversus, and is inserted into the crest of the pubis and pectineal line immediately behind the subcutaneous inguinal ring, serving to protect what would otherwise be