Anatomy of the Human Body > Page 422 CONTENTS · ILLUSTRATIONS · SUBJECT INDEX


  The lower margin of the fascia covering the upper surface of the pelvic diaphragm is attached along the line of insertion of the Levator ani.
  At the level of a line extending from the lower part of the symphysis pubis to the spine of the ischium is a thickened whitish band in this upper layer of the diaphragmatic part of the pelvic fascia. It is termed the tendinous arch or white line of the pelvic fascia, and marks the line of attachment of the special fascia (pars endopelvina fasciæ pelvis) which is associated with the pelvic viscera.

FIG. 403– Median sagittal section of pelvis, showing arrangement of fasciæ. (See enlarged image)

  The endopelvic part of the pelvic fascia is continued over the various pelvic viscera (Fig. 403) to form for them fibrous coverings which will be described later (see section on Splanchnology). It is attached to the diaphragmatic part of the pelvic fascia along the tendinous arch, and has been subdivided in accordance with the viscera to which it is related. Thus its anterior part, known as the vesical layer, forms the anterior and lateral ligaments of the bladder. Its middle part crosses the floor of the pelvis between the rectum and vesiculæ seminales as the rectovesical layer; in the female this is perforated by the vagina. Its posterior portion passes to the side of the rectum; it forms a loose sheath for the rectum, but is firmly attached around the anal canal; this portion is known as the rectal layer.
  The Levator ani (Fig. 404) is a broad, thin muscle, situated on the side of the pelvis. It is attached to the inner surface of the side of the lesser pelvis, and unites