Anatomy of the Human Body > Page 472 CONTENTS · ILLUSTRATIONS · SUBJECT INDEX


and is inserted into the upper part of the medial surface of the body of the tibia, below the condyle. A few of the fibers of the lower part of the tendon are prolonged into the deep fascia of the leg. At its insertion the tendon is situated immediately above that of the Semitendinosus, and its upper edge is overlapped by the tendon of the Sartorius, with which it is in part blended. It is separated from the tibial collateral ligament of the knee-joint, by a bursa common to it and the tendon of the Semitendinosus.

FIG. 432– Cross-section through the middle of the thigh. (Eycleshymer and Schoemaker.) (See enlarged image)

  The Pectineus (Fig. 430) is a flat, quadrangular muscle, situated at the anterior part of the upper and medial aspect of the thigh. It arises from the pectineal line, and to a slight extent from the surface of bone in front of it, between the iliopectineal eminence and tubercle of the pubis, and from the fascia covering the anterior surface of the muscle; the fibers pass downward, backward, and lateralward, to be inserted into a rough line leading from the lesser trochanter to the linea aspera.
  The Adductor longus (Fig. 433), the most superficial of the three Adductores, is a triangular muscle, lying in the same plane as the Pectineus. It arises by a flat, narrow tendon, from the front of the pubis, at the angle of junction of the crest