Anatomy of the Human Body > Page 636 CONTENTS · ILLUSTRATIONS · SUBJECT INDEX


longus and Peronæus tertius and supplies the lateral side of the ankle, anastomosing with the perforating branch of the peroneal artery, and with ascending twigs from the lateral tarsal artery.
  The arteries around the ankle-joint anastomose freely with one another and form net-works below the corresponding malleoli. The medial malleolar net-work is formed by the anterior medial malleolar branch of the anterior tibial, the medial tarsal branches of the dorsalis pedis, the posterior medial malleolar and medial calcaneal branches of the posterior tibial and branches from the medial plantar artery. The lateral malleolar net-work is formed by the anterior lateral malleolar branch of the anterior tibial, the lateral tarsal branch of the dorsalis pedis, the perforating and the lateral calcaneal branches of the peroneal, and twigs from the lateral plantar artery.

FIG. 553– Anterior tibial and dorsalis pedis arteries. (See enlarged image)

6e. The Arteria Dorsalis Pedis
(Dorsalis Pedis Artery)

The arteria dorsalis pedis (Fig. 553), the continuation of the anterior tibial, passes forward from the ankle-joint along the tibial side of the dorsum of the foot to the proximal part of the first intermetatarsal space, where it divides into two branches, the first dorsal metatarsal and the deep plantar.

Relations.—This vessel, in its course forward, rests upon the front of the articular capsule of the ankle-joint, the talus, navicular, and second cuneiform bones, and the ligaments connecting them, being covered by the integument, fascia and cruciate ligament, and crossed near its termination by the first tendon of the Extensor digitorum brevis. On its tibial side is the tendon of the Extensor hallucis longus; on its fibular side, the first tendon of the Extensor digitorum longus, and the termination of the deep peroneal nerve. It is accompanied by two veins.

Peculiarities in Size.—The dorsal artery of the foot may be larger than usual, to compensate for a deficient plantar artery; or its terminal branches to the toes may be absent, the toes then being supplied by the medial plantar; or its place may be taken altogether by a large perforating branch of the peroneal artery.

Position.—This artery frequently curves lateralward, lying lateral to the line between the middle of the ankle and the back part of the first interosseous space.