Anatomy of the Human Body > Page 686 CONTENTS · ILLUSTRATIONS · SUBJECT INDEX


large part of that which flows through the thoracic duct. The gall-bladder and bile ducts have rich subepithelial plexuses and the former a subserous plexus.
  The spleen has a rich subserous set and a capsular set of lymphatic capillaries. Their presence in the parenchyma is uncertain.

FIG. 595– Lymph capillaries of the cutis from the inner border of the sole of the human foot. a, a, outer layer; b, b, inner layer. X 30 dia. (Teichmann.) (See enlarged image)

  The nasal cavity has extensive capillary plexuses in the mucosa and submucosa.
  The trachea and bronchi have plexuses in the mucosa and submucosa but the smaller bronchi have only a single layer. The capillaries do not extend to the air-cells. The plexuses around the smaller bronchi connect with the rich subserous plexus of the lungs in places where the veins reach the surface.

FIG. 596– Vertical section through human tongue; a, a, blind lymph capillaries in the filiform papillæ with the underlying lymphatic plexus. X 45. (Teichmann.) (See enlarged image)

  Lymphatics have been described in the thyroid gland and in the thymus.
  The adrenal has a superficial plexus divided into two layers, one in the loose tissue about the gland and the other beneath the capsule. Capillaries have also been described within the parenchyma.