Anatomy of the Human Body > Page 694 CONTENTS · ILLUSTRATIONS · SUBJECT INDEX


glands drain the nasal part of the pharynx and the posterior parts of the nasal cavities; their efferents pass to the superior deep cervical glands.
  The facial glands comprise three groups: (a) infraorbital or maxillary, scattered over the infraorbital region from the groove between the nose and cheek to the zygomatic arch; (b) buccinator, one or more placed on the Buccinator opposite the angle of the mouth; (c) supramandibular, on the outer surface of the mandible, in front of the Masseter and in contact with the external maxillary artery and anterior facial vein. Their efferent vessels drain the eyelids, the conjunctiva, and the skin and mucous membrane of the nose and cheek; their efferents pass to the submaxillary glands.
  The deep facial glands (lymphoglandulæ faciales profunda; internal maxillary glands) are placed beneath the ramus of the mandible, on the outer surface of the Pterygoideus externus, in relation to the internal maxillary artery. Their afferent vessels drain the temporal and infratemporal fossæ and the nasal part of the pharynx their efferents pass to the superior deep cervical glands.
  The lingual glands (lymphoglandulæ linguales) are two or three small nodules lying on the Hyoglossus and under the Genioglossus. They form merely glandular substations in the course of the lymphatic vessels of the tongue.

FIG. 603– Lymphatics of pharynx. (Poirier and Charpy. (See enlarged image)

  The retropharyngeal glands (Fig. 603), from one to three in number, lie in the buccopharyngeal fascia, behind the upper part of the pharynx and in front of the arch of the atlas, being separated, however, from the latter by the Longus capitis. Their afferents drain the nasal cavities, the nasal part of the pharynx, and the auditory tubes; their efferents pass to the superior deep cervical glands.
  The lymphatic vessels of the scalp are divisible into (a) those of the frontal region, which terminate in the anterior auricular and parotid glands; (b) those of the temporoparietal region, which end in the parotid and posterior auricular glands; and (c) those of the occipital region, which terminate partly in the occipital glands and partly in a trunk which runs down along the posterior border of the Sternocleidomastoideus to end in the inferior deep cervical glands.
  The lymphatic vessels of the auricula and external acoustic meatus are also divisible into three groups: (a) an anterior, from the lateral surface of the auricula and anterior wall of the meatus to the anterior auricular glands; (b) a posterior, from the margin of the auricula, the upper part of its cranial surface, the internal surface