Anatomy of the Human Body > Page 704 CONTENTS · ILLUSTRATIONS · SUBJECT INDEX


penis vel clitoridis, the membranous urethra, the prostate, the fundus of the bladder, the cervix uteri, and upper part of the vagina.
  The Common Iliac Glands, four to six in number, are grouped behind and on the sides of the common iliac artery, one or two being placed below the bifurcation of the aorta, in front of the fifth lumbar vertebra. They drain chiefly the hypogastric and external iliac glands, and their efferents pass to the lateral aortic glands.
  The Epigastric Glands (lymphoglandulæ epigastricæ), three or four in number, are placed alongside the lower portion of the inferior epigastric vessels.

FIG. 611– The parietal lymph glands of the pelvis. (Cunéo and Marcille.) (See enlarged image)

  The Iliac Circumflex Glands, two to four in number, are situated along the course of the deep iliac circumflex vessels; they are sometimes absent.
  The Hypogastric Glands (lymphoglandulæ hypogastricæ; internal iliac gland) (Fig. 612) surround the hypogastric vessels, and receive the lymphatics corresponding to the distribution of the branches of the hypogastric artery, i. e., they receive lymphatics from all the pelvic viscera, from the deeper parts of the perineum, including the membranous and cavernous portions of the urethra, and from the buttock and back of the thigh. An obturator gland is sometimes seen in the upper part of the obturator foramen.
  The Sacral Glands are placed in the concavity of the sacrum, in relation to the