Anatomy of the Human Body > Page 716 CONTENTS · ILLUSTRATIONS · SUBJECT INDEX


those from the areola and nipple. Its efferents are collected into two trunks which pass to the pectoral group of axillary glands. The vessels which drain the medial part of the mamma pierce the thoracic wall and end in the sternal glands, while a vessel has occasionally been seen to emerge from the upper part of the mamma and, piercing the Pectoralis major, terminate in the subclavicular glands (Fig. 607).

FIG. 621– Deep lymph nodes and vessels of the thorax and abdomen (diagrammatic). Afferent vessels are represented by continuous lines, and efferent and internodular vessels by dotted lines. (Cunningham.) (See enlarged image)

  The deep lymphatic vessels of the thoracic wall (Fig. 621) consist of:
  1. The lymphatics of the muscles which lie on the ribs: most of these end in the axillary glands, but some from the Pectoralis major pass to the sternal glands. 2. The intercostal vessels which drain the Intercostales and parietal pleura. Those draining the Intercostales externi run backward and, after receiving the vessels