Anatomy of the Human Body > Page 748 CONTENTS · ILLUSTRATIONS · SUBJECT INDEX


the corpora striata and thalami; later the fibers from the cells of the cortex are added. Medullation of these fibers begins about the time of birth and continues until puberty. A summary of the parts derived from the brain vesicles is given in the following table:
Hind-brain or Rhombencephalon 1. Myelencephalon Medulla oblongata
Lower part of fourth ventricle.

2. Metencephalon Pons
Intermediate part of fourth ventricle.

3. Isthmus rhombencephali Anterior medullary velum
Brachia conjunctiva cerebelli.
Upper part of fourth ventricle.

Cerebral peduncles
Mid-brain or Mesencephalon………………………… Lamina quadrigemina

Cerebral aqueduct.

Fore-brain or Prosencephalon 1. Diencephalon Thalamus
Pars mamillaris hypothalami
Posterior part of third ventricle.

2. Telencephalon Anterior part of third ventricle
Pars optica hypothalami
Cerebral hemispheres
Lateral ventricles
Interventricular foramen.

FIG. 659– Transverse section of medulla oblongata of human embryo. X 32. (Kollmann) (See enlarged image)

The Cranial Nerves.—With the exception of the olfactory, optic, and acoustic nerves, which will be especially considered, the cranial nerves are developed in a similar manner to the spinal nerves (see page 735). The sensory or afferent nerves are derived from the cells of the ganglion rudiments of the neural crest. The central processes of these cells grow into the brain and form the roots of the nerves, while the peripheral processes extend outward and constitute their fibers of distribution (Fig. 645). It has been seen, in considering the development of the medulla oblongata (page 739), that the tractus solitarius (Fig. 660), derived from the fibers which grow inward from the ganglion rudiments of the glossopharyngeal and vagus nerves, is the homologue of the oval bundle in the cord which had