Anatomy of the Human Body > Page 778 CONTENTS · ILLUSTRATIONS · SUBJECT INDEX


the vagus and glossopharyngeal nerves, and is associated with the vestibular part of the acoustic nerve and the sensory root of the facial nerve. Still higher, it forms a mass of pigmented cells—the locus cæruleus—in which some of the sensory fibers of the trigeminal nerve appear to end. The head of the posterior column forms a long nucleus, in which the fibers of the spinal tract of the trigeminal nerve largely end.

FIG. 691– Dissection of brain-stem. Dorsal view. The nuclear masses of the medulla are taken from model by Weed, Carnegie Publication, No. 19. (See enlarged image)

  The dorsal spinocerebellar fasciculus (fasciculus cerebellospinalis; direct cerebellar tract) leaves the lateral district of the medulla oblongata; most of its fibers are carried backward into the inferior peduncle of the same side, and through it are conveyed to the cerebellum; but some run upward with the fibers of the lemniscus, and, reaching the inferior colliculus, undergo decussation, and are carried to the cerebellum through the superior peduncle.
  The proper fasciculi (basis bundles) of the anterior and lateral funiculi largely consist of intersegmental fibers, which link together the different segments of the medulla spinalis; they assist in the production of the formatio reticularis of the medulla oblongata, and many of them are accumulated into a fasciculus which runs up close to the median raphé between the lemniscus and the rhomboid fossa;