Anatomy of the Human Body > Page 795 CONTENTS · ILLUSTRATIONS · SUBJECT INDEX


a round bush, but has been aptly compared by Obersteiner to the branches of a fruit tree trained against a trellis or a wall. Hence, in sections carried across the folium the arborescence is broad and expanded; whereas in those which are parallel to the long axis of the folium, the arborescence, like the cell itself, is seen in profile, and is limited to a narrow area.
  From the bottom of the flask-shaped cell the axon arises; this passes through the nuclear layer, and, becoming medullated, is continued as a nerve fiber in the subjacent white substance. As this axon traverses the granular layer it gives off fine collaterals, some of which run back into the molecular layer.

FIG. 706– Transverse section of a cerebellar folium. (Diagrammatic, after Cajal and Kölliker.) (See enlarged image)

  The internal rust-colored or nuclear layer (Fig. 706) is characterized by containing numerous small nerve cells of a reddish-brown color, together with many nerve fibrils. Most of the cells are nearly spherical and provided with short dendrites which spread out in a spider-like manner in the nuclear layer. Their axons pass outward into the molecular layer, and, bifurcating at right angles, run for some distance parallel with the surface. In the outer part of the nuclear layer are some larger cells, of the type II of Golgi. Their axons undergo frequent division as soon as they leave the nerve cells, and pass into the nuclear layer; while their dendrites ramify chiefly in the molecular layer.