Anatomy of the Human Body > Page 820 CONTENTS · ILLUSTRATIONS · SUBJECT INDEX


(Figs. 725, 726) is situated about the middle of the lateral surface of the hemisphere, and begins in or near the longitudinal cerebral fissure, a little behind its mid-point. It runs sinuously downward and forward, and ends a little above the posterior ramus of the lateral fissure, and about 2.5 cm. behind the anterior ascending ramus of the same fissure. It described two chief curves: a superior genu with its concavity directed forward, and an inferior genu with its concavity directed backward. The central sulcus forms an angle opening forward of about 70° with the median plane.

The Parietoöccipital Fissure (fissura parietoöccipitalis).—Only a small part of this fissure is seen on the lateral surface of the hemisphere, its chief part being on the medial surface.
  The lateral part of the parietoöccipital fissure (Fig. 726) is situated about 5 cm. in front of the occipital pole of the hemisphere, and measures about 1.25 cm. in length.

FIG. 727– Medial surface of left cerebral hemisphere. (See enlarged image)

  The medial part of the parietoöccipital fissure (Fig. 727) runs downward and forward as a deep cleft on the medial surface of the hemisphere, and joins the calcarine fissure below and behind the posterior end of the corpus callosum. In most cases it contains a submerged gyrus.
  The Calcarine Fissure (fissura calcarina) (Fig. 727) is on the medial surface of the hemisphere. It begins near the occipital pole in two converging rami, and runs forward to a point a little below the splenium of the corpus callosum, where it is joined at an acute angle by the medial part of the parietoöccipital fissure. The anterior part of this fissure gives rise to the prominence of the calcar avis in the posterior cornu of the lateral ventricle.
  The Cingulate Sulcus (sulcus cinguli; callosomarginal fissure) (Fig. 727) is on the medial surface of the hemisphere; it begins below the anterior end of the corpus callosum and runs upward and forward nearly parallel to the rostrum of this body and, curving in front of the genu, is continued backward above the corpus callosum, and finally ascends to the supero-medial border of the hemisphere a short distance behind the upper end of the central sulcus. It separates the superior frontal from the cingulate gyrus.
  The Collateral Fissure (fissura collateralis) (Fig. 727) is on the tentorial surface of the hemisphere and extends from near the occipital pole to within a short distance of the temporal pole. Behind, it lies below and lateral to the calcarine fissure,