Anatomy of the Human Body > Page 841 CONTENTS · ILLUSTRATIONS · SUBJECT INDEX


covered by a layer of epithelium continuous with the epithelial lining of the ventricle. It extends from the interventricular foramen, where it is joined with the plexus of the opposite ventricle, to the end of the inferior cornu. The part in relation to the body of the ventricle forms the vascular fringed margin of a triangular process of pia mater, named the tela chorioidea of the third ventricle, and projects from under cover of the lateral edge of the fornix. It lies upon the upper surface of the thalamus, from which the epithelium is reflected over the plexus on to the edge of the fornix (Fig. 723). The portion in relation to the inferior cornu lies in the concavity of the hippocampus and overlaps the fimbria hippocampi: from the lateral edge of the fimbria the epithelium is reflected over the plexus on to the roof of the cornu (Fig. 749). It consists of minute and highly vascular villous processes, each with an afferent and an efferent vessel. The arteries of the plexus are: (a) the anterior choroidal, a branch of the internal carotid, which enters the plexus at the end of the inferior cornu; and (b) the posterior choroidal, one or two small branches of the posterior cerebral, which pass forward under the splenium. The veins of the choroid plexus unite to form a tortuous vein, which courses from behind forward to the interventricular foramen and there joins with the terminal vein to form the corresponding internal cerebral vein.

FIG. 749– Coronal section of inferior horn of lateral ventricle. (Diagrammatic.) (See enlarged image)

  When the choroid plexus is pulled away, the continuity between its epithelial covering and the epithelial lining of the ventricle is severed, and a cleft-like space is produced. This is named the choroidal fissure; like the plexus, it extends from the interventricular foramen to the end of the inferior cornu. The upper part of the fissure, i.e., the part nearest the interventricular foramen is situated between the lateral edge of the fornix and the upper surface of the thalamus; farther back at the beginning of the inferior cornu it is between the commencement of the fimbria hippocampi and the posterior end of the thalamus, while in the inferior cornu it lies between the fimbria in the floor and the stria terminalis in the roof of the cornu.
  The tela chorioidea of the third ventricle (tela chorioidea ventriculi tertii; velum interpositum) (Fig. 750) is a double fold of pia mater, triangular in shape, which lies beneath the fornix. The lateral portions of its lower surface rest upon the thalami, while its medial portion is in contact with the epithelial roof of the third ventricle. Its apex is situated at the interventricular foramen; its base corresponds with the splenium of the corpus callosum, and occupies the interval between that structure above and the corpora quadrigemina and pineal body below. This