Anatomy of the Human Body > Page 890 CONTENTS · ILLUSTRATIONS · SUBJECT INDEX


  The zygomaticotemporal branch (ramus zygomaticotemporalis; temporal branch) runs along the lateral wall of the orbit in a groove in the zygomatic bone, receives a branch of communication from the lacrimal, and, passing through a foramen in the zygomatic bone, enters the temporal fossa. It ascends between the bone, and substance of the Temporalis muscle, pierces the temporal fascia about 2.5 cm. above the zygomatic arch, and is distributed to the skin of the side of the forehead, and communicates with the facial nerve and with the aurićulotemporal branch of the mandibular nerve. As it pierces the temporal fascia, it gives off a slender twig, which runs between the two layers of the fascia to the lateral angle of the orbit.

FIG. 778– Distribution of the maxillary and mandibular nerves, and the submaxillary ganglion. (See enlarged image)

  The zygomaticofacial branch (ramus zygomaticofacialis; malar branch) passes along the infero-lateral angle of the orbit, emerges upon the face through a foramen in the zygomatic bone, and, perforating the Orbicularis oculi, supplies the skin on the prominence of the cheek. It joins with the facial nerve and with the inferior palpebral branches of the maxillary.
  The Sphenopalatine Branches (nn. sphenopalatini), two in number, descend to the sphenopalatine ganglion.
  The Posterior Superior Alveolar Branches (rami alveolares superiores posteriores; posterior superior dental branches) arise from the trunk of the nerve just before it enters the infraorbital groove; they are generally two in number, but sometimes arise by a single trunk. They descend on the tuberosity of the maxilla and give off several twigs to the gums and neighboring parts of the mucous membrane of the cheek. They then enter the posterior alveolar canals on the infratemporal surface