Anatomy of the Human Body > Page 986 CONTENTS · ILLUSTRATIONS · SUBJECT INDEX


(ganglion phrenicum). This plexus distributes branches to the inferior vena cava, and to the suprarenal and hepatic plexuses.
  The hepatic plexus (plexus hepaticus), the largest offset from the celiac plexus, receives filaments from the left vagus and right phrenic nerves. It accompanies the hepatic artery, ramifying upon its branches, and upon those of the portal vein in the substance of the liver. Branches from this plexus accompany all the divisions of the hepatic artery. A considerable plexus accompanies the gastroduodenal artery and is continued as the inferior gastric plexus on the right gastroepiploic artery along the greater curvature of the stomach, where it unites with offshoots from the lienal plexus.

FIG. 848– The celiac ganglia with the sympathetic plexuses of the abdominal viscera radiating from the ganglia. (Toldt.) (See enlarged image)

  The lienal plexus (plexus lienalis; splenic plexus) is formed by branches from the celiac plexus, the left celiac ganglion, and from the right vagus nerve. It accompanies the lienal artery to the spleen, giving off, in its course, subsidiary plexuses along the various branches of the artery.