Anatomy of the Human Body > Page 989 CONTENTS · ILLUSTRATIONS · SUBJECT INDEX


lesser and greater cavernous nerves, which arise from the forepart of the prostatic plexus, and, after joining with branches from the pudendal nerve, pass forward beneath the public arch.
  The lesser cavernous nerves (nn. cavernosi penis minores; small cavernous nerves) perforate the fibrous covering of the penis, near its root.
  The greater cavernous nerve (n. cavernosus penis major; large cavernous plexus) passes forward along the dorsum of the penis, joins with the dorsal nerve of the penis, and is distributed to the corpora cavernosa.
  The Vaginal Plexus arises from the lower part of the pelvic plexus. It is distributed to the walls of the vagina, to the erectile tissue of the vestibule, and to the clitoris. The nerves composing this plexus contain, like the vesical, a large proportion of spinal nerve fibers.
  The Uterine Plexus accompanies the uterine artery to the side of the uterus, between the layers of the broad ligament; it communicates with the ovarian plexus.
  BARKER, L. F.: The Nervous System and its Constituent Neurons, 1901.
  HERRICK, C. J.: An Introduction to Neurology, 1915.
  HUBER, G. C.: Lectures on the Sympathetic Nervous System, Jour. Comp. Neur., 1897, vii, 73–145.
  RAMON Y CAJAL, S.: Histologie du Système Nerveux, Paris, 1909.
  SHERRINGTON, C. S.: The Integrative Action of the Nervous System, 1906.
  STREETER, G. L.: The Development of the Nervous System, Keibel and Mall, Manual of Human Embryology, 1912.