Anatomy of the Human Body > Subject Index > Page 33 CONTENTS · ILLUSTRATIONS · SUBJECT INDEX


Ossa carpi, 221.
cranii, 129.
extremitatis inferioris, 231.
superioris, 200.
faciei, 156.
metacarpalia, 228.
metatarsalia, 272.
nasalia, 156.
sesamoidea, 277.
tarsi, 263.
Ossein, 91.
Ossicles, auditory, 1044.
development of, 1033.
ligaments of, 1045.
Ossicula auditus, 1044.
Ossification of atlas, 113.
of axis, 113.
of clavicle, 202.
of coccyx, 114.
of ethmoid, 156.
of femur, 255.
of fibula, 262.
of foot, 275.
of frontal, 138.
of hand, 230.
of hip bone, 237.
of humerus, 213.
of hyoid, 178.
of inferior nasal concha, 170.
intracartilaginous, 93.
intramembranous, 91.
of lacrimal, 164.
of lumbar vertebræ, 113.
of mandible, 174.
of maxilla, 163.
of nasal, 157.
of occipital, 132.
of os coxæ or innominatum, 237.
of palatine, 169.
of parietal, 135.
of patella, 256.
of radius, 220.
of ribs, 127.
of sacrum, 113.
of scapula, 208.
of seventh cervical vertebra, 113.
of sphenoid, 152.
of sternum, 121.
of temporal, 145.
of tibia, 260.
of ulna, 219.
of vertebral column, 111.
of vomer, 171.
of zygomatic, 166.
Osteoblasts, 87.
Osteoclasts, 88, 1124.
Osteodentin, 1120.
Osteogenetic fibers, 92.
Osteology, 79.
Ostium, abdominal, of uterine tube, 1257.
maxillare, 995.
pharyngeal, of auditory tube, 1141.
primitive urogenital, 1215.
primum [heart], 512.
secundum [heart], 512.
Otic ganglion, 897.
Otoconia, 1054.
Outlet of pelvis, 240.
Ova, primitive, 1207.
Oval area of Flechsig, 764.
bundle, 735.
Ovaria, 1254.
Ovarian arteries, 611.
fossa, 1154, 1254.
plexus of nerves, 987.
veins, 679.
Ovaries, 1254.
descent of, 1207.
development of, 1207.
ligaments of, 1254.
lymphatic capillaries of, 687.
vessels of, 714.
nerves of, 1256.
structure of, 1255.
vesicular or Graafian follicles of, 1256.
vessels of, 1256.
Oviduct, 1257.
Ovula Nabothi, 1262.
Ovum, 35, 38.
corona radiata of, 39.
coverings of, 40.
discharge of, 1256.
fertilization of, 44.
germinal spot of, 39.
vesicle of, 39, 40.
implantation or imbedding of, 58.
maturation of, 40.
mature, 40.
segmentation of, 45.
structure of, 38.
yolk of, 39.
zona pellucida or radiata of, 40.
Oxyntic cells, 1167.
glands, 1167.
Oxyphil colorless corpuscles, 504.
Pacchionian glands, 878.
Pacinian corpuscles, 1060.
Pad, retropubic, 1228.
Pain, impulses of, 853.
Palatal process of maxilla, 162.
Palate, 1112.
arches of, 1112.
bone, 166.
development of, 70.
hard, 1112.
soft, 1112.
Palatine aponeurosis, 1139.
artery, ascending, 555.
of ascending pharyngeal, 557.
descending, 562.
bone, 166.
articulations of, 169.
horizontal part of, 167.
orbital process of, 168.
ossification of, 169.
pyramidal process or tuberosity of, 168.
sphenoidal process of, 169.
vertical part of, 167.
foramen, 180.
nerves, 893.
process of maxilla, 162.
processes of fetus, 70.
tonsils, 1137.
uvula, 1112.
velum, 1112.
Palatoglossus muscle, 1129, note, 1139.
Palatopharyngeus muscle, 1139.
Palatum, 1112.
durum, 1112.
molle, 1112.
Palmar aponeurosis, 460.
arch, deep, 595.
superficial, 598.
cutaneous branch of median nerve, 938.
Palmar cutaneous branch of ulnar nerve, 942.
fascia, 460.
interossei muscles, 465.
interosseous arteries, 596.
ligaments, 328, 331.
nerves of ulnar, 942, 943.
Palmaris brevis muscle, 463.
actions of, 464.
nerves of, 464.
variations of, 464.
longus muscle, 446.
actions of, 450.
nerves of, 450.
variations of, 446.
Palpebræ, 1025.
Palpebral arteries, 569, 570.
commissures or canthi, 1025.
fissure, 1025.
ligament, 1026.
medial, 381.
nerves from maxillary, 891.
raphé, lateral, 381.
Pampiniform plexus of spermatic cord, 678.
Pancreas, 1199.
accessory duct of, 1202, 1203.
body of, 1201.
development of, 1203.
duct of, 1022, 1203.
head of, 1200.
lymphatic vessels of, 711.
neck of, 1201.
nerves of, 1204.
structure of, 1203.
surface marking of, 1320.
tail of, 1201.
uncinate process of, 1200.
vessels of, 1204.
Pancreatic arteries, 606.
duct, 1202.
accessory, 1202, 1203.
veins, 681.
Pancreatica magna artery, 606.
Pancreaticoduodenal arteries, 604, 607.
lymph glands, 710.
veins, 682.
Pancreaticolienal lymph glands, 706.
Papilla, lacrimal, 1025.
foliata, 1132.
mammæ, 1267.
Papillæ, circumvallate, 1126.
conical, 1127.
filiform, 1127.
fungiform, 1126.
of skin, 1065.
of tongue, 1126.
Papillary layer of skin, 1065.
process, 1191.
Paracentral lobule, 822.
Parachordal cartilages, 84.
Paradidymis, 1246.
Paraganglia, 1269, 1278.
Parallel striæ of Retzius, 1120.
Paramastoid process, 131.
Paramedial sulcus, 822.
Parametrium, 1259.
Paranephric body, 1220.
Paranucleus, 1204.
Paraplasm, 36.
Paraplexus, 840.
Pararectal fossa, 1154.
lymph glands, 710.
Parathyroid glands, 1271.
development of, 1272.
structure of, 1273.
Paravesical fossa, 1154.
Paraxial mesoderm, 50.