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its surface, the pharyngopalatine arch. It is separated from the Glossopalatinus by an angular interval, in which the palatine tonsil is lodged. It arises from the soft palate, where it is divided into two fasciculi by the Levator veli palatini and Musculus uvulæ. The posterior fasciculus lies in contact with the mucous membrane, and joins with that of the opposite muscle in the middle line; the anterior fasciculus, the thicker, lies in the soft palate between the Levator and Tensor, and joins in the middle line the corresponding part of the opposite muscle. Passing lateralward and downward behind the palatine tonsil, the Pharyngopalatinus joins the Stylopharyngeus, and is inserted with that muscle into the posterior border of the thyroid cartilage, some of its fibers being lost on the side of the pharynx and others passing across the middle line posteriorly, to decussate with the muscle of the opposite side.

FIG. 1028– Dissection of the muscles of the palate from behind. (See enlarged image)

Nerves.—The Tensor veli palatini is supplied by a branch from the otic ganglion; the remaining muscles of this group are in all probability supplied by the accessory nerve through the pharyngeal plexus. 1

Actions.—During the first stage of deglutition, the bolus of food is driven back into the fauces by the pressure of the tongue against the hard palate, the base of the tongue being, at the same time, retracted, and the larynx raised with the pharynx. During the second stage the entrance to the larynx is closed by the drawing forward of the arytenoid cartilages toward the cushion
Note 1.  “The Innervation of the Soft Palate,” by Aldren Turner, Journal of Anatomy and Physiology, xxiii, 523. [back]