Anatomy of the Human Body > Subject Index > Page 26 CONTENTS · ILLUSTRATIONS · SUBJECT INDEX


Membranous cochlea, 1054.
cranium, 84.
labyrinth, 1015.
portion of urethra, 1235.
semicircular canals, 1052.
vertebral column, 81.
Meningeal artery, accessory, 561.
anterior, 568.
from ascending pharyngeal, 558.
middle, 560.
surface marking of, 1294.
from occipital, 557.
from vertebral, 579.
branch of spinal nerve, 921.
layer of dura mater, 875.
nerve from hypoglossal, 918.
from maxillary, 889.
Meninges of brain and medulla spinalis, 872.
Menisci, 281.
of knee-joint, 342.
Meniscus, articular, 298.
Mental foramen, 172, 188.
nerve, 897.
point, 198.
protuberance, 172.
spines, 172.
tubercle, 172.
Mentalis muscle, 383.
Mentohyoideus muscle, 392.
Merkel, tactile disks of, 1059.
Meroblastic ova, 45.
Mesencephalon, 51, 741, 800.
Mesenteric arteries, 606, 609.
lymph glands, 709.
plexuses of nerves, 987.
veins, 681, 682.
Mesenteries, 1157.
mesentery proper, 1157.
sigmoid mesocolon, 1153, 1157.
transverse mesocolon, 1157.
Mesenteriole of vermiform process, 1178.
Mesenterium, 1157.
Mesocardium, arterial, 526.
venous, 526.
Mesocolic lymph glands, 709.
Mesocolon, sigmoid, 1153, 1157.
transverse, 1157.
Mesoderm, 49.
formation of, 47.
Mesogastrium, 1103.
Mesognathion, 199.
Mesonephros, 1205.
Mesorchium, 1207.
Mesosalpinx, 1261.
Mesovarium, 1207, 1255.
Metacarpal bones, 227.
articulations of, 230.
characteristics of, 228.
ossification of, 230.
Metacarpophalangeal articulations, 332.
Metacarpus, 227.
Metanephros, 1205.
Metaphase of karyokinesis, 37.
Metatarsal arteries, 637.
bones, 272.
characteristics of, 272.
veins, 672.
Metatarsophalangeal articulations, 359.
Metatarsus, 272.
ossification of, 275.
Metathalamus, 743, 811.
Metencephalon, 738.
Metopic suture, 135.
Meynert, basal optic nucleus of, 813.
fasciculus retroflexus of, 812.
Meynert, fountain decussation of, 806.
substantia innominata of, 837.
Microcytes, 503.
Mid-brain, 54, 741, 800.
Mid-carpal joint, 329.
Middle capsular artery, 610.
cerebellar peduncles, 793.
commissure of brain, 809.
constrictor muscle, 1143.
costotransverse ligament, 302.
cutaneous nerve, 955.
dental nerve, 891.
subscapular nerve, 934.
thyrohyoid ligament, 1077.
tibiofibular ligament, 348.
Milk teeth, 1118.
Mitochondria sheath, 43.
Mitral cells, 848, 997.
orifice, 534.
valve, 534.
Moderator band, 532.
Modiolus of cochlea, 1050.
Molar glands, 1112.
teeth, 1118.
Molecular layer of cortex of cerebellum, 794.
of cerebrum, 845.
Monakow, rubrospinal fasciculus of, 761.
Monaster or mother star, 37.
Monro, foramen of, 816, 840.
sulcus of, 741, 816.
Mons pubis, 1265.
Veneris, 1265.
Morgagni, hydatid of, 1207, 1242, 1257.
rectal columns of, 1184.
sinus of, 1143.
Morula, 46.
Moss fibers, 796.
Mother star or monaster, 37.
Motor areas of cerebral cortex, 847.
end-plates, 730.
nerves, 730.
neurons, lower and upper, 870.
tract, 870.
Mott, spino-quadrigeminal system of, 762.
Mouth, 1110.
development of, 1101.
lymphatics of, 695.
mucous membrane of, 1110.
muscles of, 382.
variations of, 385.
Movable articulations, 285.
Movements admitted in joints, 286.
Mucous glands of tongue, 1131.
sheaths, 283.
of tendons around ankle, 489.
on back of wrist, 459.
on front of wrist, 457.
Müller, orbitalis muscle of, 1024.
sustentacular fibers of, 1017.
Müllerian duct, 1206.
eminence, 1207.
Multangular bones, 225.
Multicuspid teeth, 1118.
Multifidus muscle, 400.
action of, 402.
nerves of, 402.
spinæ muscle, 400.