Anatomy of the Human Body > Subject Index > Page 25 CONTENTS · ILLUSTRATIONS · SUBJECT INDEX


Lyra of fornix, 838, 869.
Macewen, suprameatal triangle of, 140.
Mackenrodt, ligament of, 1261.
Macula acustica sacculi, 1052.
utriculi, 1051.
cribrosa media, 1047.
superior, 1048.
lutea, 1015, 1017.
structure of, 1017.
Majendie, foramen of, 798, 877.
Malar bone, 164.
process of maxilla, 161.
Male genital organs, 1236.
bulbourethral glands, 1213, 1253.
ductus deferens, 1245.
ejaculatory duct, 1247.
penis, 1247.
prostate, 1251.
testes and their coverings, 1236.
vesiculæ seminales, 1246.
pronucleus, 45.
urethra, 1234.
Malleolar arteries, 635.
folds, 1039.
sulcus, 260.
Malleolus, lateral, 260.
medial, 259.
Malleus, 1044.
development of, 1033.
ligaments of, 1045.
Malpighian bodies, kidney, 1221.
of spleen, 1285.
capsules of kidney, 1221.
Mammæ, 1267.
development of, 1267.
lymphatic vessels of, 715.
nerves of, 1268.
papilla or nipple of, 1267.
structure of, 1267.
vessels of, 1268.
Mammary arteries, 583, 588.
gland, 1267.
internal, 715.
veins, internal, 666.
Mammillary process, 106.
Mammillo-thalamic fasciculus, 869.
Mandible, 172.
angle of, 174.
articulations of, 175.
body of, 172.
changes in, due to age, 175.
condyloid process of, 174.
coronoid process of, 174.
ossification of, 174.
ramus of, 173.
Mandibula, 172.
Mandibular arch, 66.
branches of facial nerve, 905.
canal, 173.
foramen, 173.
fossa, 140, 180, 183.
nerve, 893.
notch, 174.
Mantle layer, 733.
Manubrium of malleus, 1044.
of sternum, 119.
Margin, supraorbital, 135.
Marginal gyrus, 822.
layer, 733.
veins of foot, 669.
Margins of heart, 529.
Marrow of bone, 87.
Marshall, oblique vein of, 522, 526, 643.
vestigial fold of, 522, 526, 643.
Martinotti, cells of, 845,
Massa intermedia, 809, 816.
Masses, lateral, of atlas, 99.
Masseter muscle, 385.
action of, 387.
nerves of, 387.
Masseteric artery, 561.
fascia, 385.
nerve, 894.
Mastoid canaliculus, 144, 181.
cells, 142.
foramen, 141, 183.
fossa, 140.
glands, 693.
notch, 141, 181.
portion of temporal bone, 141.
process, 141.
Mastzellen, 377.
Matrix of nail, 1066.
Maturation of ovum, 40.
Maxilla, 157.
articulations of, 163.
changes in, due to age, 163.
ossification of, 163.
Maxillary artery, external, 553.
peculiarities of, 556.
internal, 559.
glands, internal, 694.
nerve, 889.
inferior, 893.
process of inferior nasal concha, 169.
of palatine bone, 168.
of zygomatic bone, 166.
processes of fetus, 66.
sinus, 159, 999.
tuberosity, 159.
vein, internal, 646.
Meatus acusticus externus, 1036.
cartilagineus, 1036.
osseus, 1036.
auditory, external, 1036.
external acoustic, 145, 183, 1036.
internal, 146, 193.
urinarius, 1235.
urinary, 1266.
Meatuses of nose, 195, 994, 995.
Mechanics of muscle, 362.
Mechanism of pelvis, 311.
of respiration, 407.
of thorax, 304.
Meckel’s cartilages, 66, 174.
diverticulum, 54, 1172.
ganglion, 891.
Media, refracting, of bulb of eye, 1018.
Medial geniculate body, 811.
lemniscus, 804.
longitudinal fasciculus, 803.
wall of nasal cavity, 995.
Median antibrachial vein, 662.
basilic vein, 661.
nerve, 938.
Mediastinal arteries from aorta, 600.
from internal mammary, 583.
lymph glands, 717.
pleura, 1088.
Mediastinum, 1090.
testis, 1243.
Medicornu, 831.
Medidural artery, 560.
Medifrontal gyre, 822.
Medulla of hair, 1069.
oblongata, 767.
anterior district of, 768.
arcuate fibers of, 782.
development of, 739.
fasciculus cuneatus, 776.
gracilis, 776.
fissures and sulci of, 767, 768.
gray substance of, 779.
Medulla oblongata, formatio reticularis, 784.
lateral district of, 769.
olive of, 769.
posterior district of, 774.
pyramid of, 768.
restiform bodies of, 782.
structure of, 775.
spinalis, 749.
central canal of, 754.
columns of, 753.
development of, 749.
distribution of nerve cells in, 755.
enlargements of, 751.
fissures of, 752.
gray commissures of, 754.
substance of, 753.
ligamentum denticulatum, 877.
meninges of, 872.
neuroglia of, 753.
sulci of, 752.
veins of, 669.
white commissure of, 752.
substance of, 758.
Medullary artery of bone, 88.
lamina, 810.
laminæ of lentiform nucleus, 834.
membrane of bone, 87.
portion of suprarenal gland, 1280.
segments of nerves, 727.
sheath of nerve-fibers, 725, 726.
spaces of bone, 94.
substance of kidney, 1221.
velum, 793, 797.
Medullated nerve-fibers, 724.
Meibomian glands, 1026.
Meissner’s plexus, 1177.
tactile corpuscles, 1061.
Membrana atlantoöccipitalis, Anterior, 295.
posterior, 296.
granulosa [of Graafian follicle], 1256.
hyothyreoidea, 1076.
interossea antebrachii, 325.
cruris, 348.
pupillaris, 1014.
tectoria [of atlas and occipital bone], 296.
Membrane, anal, 1110.
arachnoid, 876.
atlantoöccipital, 295, 296.
basilar, 1054, 1056.
of Bowman, 1008.
costocoracoid, 437.
cricothyroid, 1078.
of Demours, 1008.
of Descemet, 1008.
elastic, of larynx, 1077.
fenestrated, 498.
hyaloid, 1018.
hyoglossal, 1132.
hyothyroid, 1076.
intercostal, 403.
interosseous, of forearm, 325.
of leg, 348.
Jacob’s, 1017.
of Krause, 375.
limiting, 1017.
medullary, of bone, 87.
of Nasmyth, 1123.
nuclear, 36.
obturator, 476.
pharyngeal, 1101.
pupillary, 1003, 1014.
of Reissner, 1054.
tectorial, of ductus cochlearis, 1058.
thyrohyoid, 1076.
tympanic, 1039.
vestibular, 1054.
vitelline, 45.
of brain and medulla spinalis, 872.
fetal, 54.
synovial, 279.