Anatomy of the Human Body > Page 712 CONTENTS · ILLUSTRATIONS · SUBJECT INDEX


pierce the crura of the diaphragm and end in the glands of the posterior mediastinum.
  3. The lymphatic vessels of the urinary organs.
  The Lymphatic Vessels of the Kidney form three plexuses: one in the substance of the kidney, a second beneath its fibrous capsule, and a third in the perinephric fat; the second and third communicate freely with each other. The vessels from the plexus in the kidney substance converge to form four or five trunks which issue at the hilum. Here they are joined by vessels from the plexus under the capsule, and, following the course of the renal vein, end in the lateral aortic glands. The perinephric plexus is drained directly into the upper lateral aortic glands.
  The Lymphatic Vessels of the Ureter run in different directions. Those from its upper portion end partly in the efferent vessels of the kidney and partly in the lateral aortic glands; those from the portion immediately above the brim of the lesser pelvis are drained into the common iliac glands; while the vessels from the intrapelvic portion of the tube either join the efferents from the bladder, or end in the hypogastric glands.

FIG. 618– Lymphatics of the bladder. (Cunéo and Marcille.) (See enlarged image)

  The Lymphatic Vessels of the Bladder (Fig. 618) originate in two plexuses, an intra- and an extramuscular, it being generally admitted that the mucous membrane is devoid of lymphatics. 1 The efferent vessels are arranged in two groups, one from the anterior and another from the posterior surface of the bladder. The vessels from the anterior surface pass to the external iliac glands, but in their course minute glands are situated. These minute glands are arranged in two groups, an anterior vesical, in front of the bladder, and a lateral vesical, in relation to the lateral umbilical ligament. The vessels from the posterior surface pass to the hypogastric, external, and common iliac glands; those draining the upper part of this surface traverse the lateral vesical glands.
Note 1.  Some authorities maintain that a plexus of lymphatic vessels does exist in the mucous membrane of the bladder (consult Médecine opératoire des Voies urinaires, par J. Albarran, Paris, 1909). [back]