Anatomy of the Human Body > Page 713 CONTENTS · ILLUSTRATIONS · SUBJECT INDEX


  The Lymphatic Vessels of the Prostate (Fig. 619) terminate chiefly in the hypogastric and sacral glands, but one trunk from the posterior surface ends in the external iliac glands, and another from the anterior surface joins the vessels which drain the membranous part of the urethra.

Lymphatic Vessels of the Urethra.—The lymphatics of the cavernous portion of the urethra accompany those of the glans penis, and terminate with them in the deep subinguinal and external iliac glands. Those of the membranous and prostatic portions, and those of the whole urethra in the female, pass to the hypogastric glands.

FIG. 619– Lymphatics of the prostate. (Cunéo and Marcille.) (See enlarged image)

  (4) The lymphatic vessels of the reproductive organs.
  The Lymphatic Vessels of the Testes consist of two sets, superficial and deep, the former commencing on the surface of the tunica vaginalis, the latter in the epididymis and body of the testis. They form from four to eight collecting trunks which ascend with the spermatic veins in the spermatic cord and along the front of the Psoas major to the level where the spermatic vessels cross the ureter and end in the lateral and preaortic groups of lumbar glands. 1
  The Lymphatic Vessels of the Ductus Deferens pass to the external iliac glands; those of the vesiculæ seminales partly to the hypogastric and partly to the external glands.
Note 1.  “The Lymphatics of the Testicle,” by Jamieson and Dobson, Lancet, February 19, 1900. [back]