Anatomy of the Human Body > Subject Index > Page 13 CONTENTS · ILLUSTRATIONS · SUBJECT INDEX


Epiphysial cartilage, 93.
Epiphysis, 35, 812, 1277.
Epiploic foramen, 1156.
Epitrochleo-anconæus muscle, 448.
Epistropheus, 100.
Epithalamus, 743, 812.
fasciculus retroflexus [of Meynert], 812.
ganglion habenulæ, 812.
pineal body, 812.
structure of, 812.
posterior commissure, 812.
nucleus of, 812.
trigonum habenulæ, 812.
Epithelium, enamel, 1123.
germinal, of Waldeyer, 1209, 1255.
stratified, of cornea, 1007.
transitional, 1223.
Epitympanic recess, 142, 1038.
Eponychium, 1067.
Epoöphoron, 1206, 1255.
Equator of lens, 1019.
Erector clitoridis muscle, 430.
penis muscle, 428.
spinæ or sacrospinalis muscle, 397.
Eruption of teeth, 1124.
Erythroblasts, 88.
Esophageal arteries, 581, 600.
glands, 1146.
hiatus in diaphragm, 406.
nerves, 913.
plexus, 913.
Esophagus, 1144.
abdominal portion of, 1146.
cervical portion of, 1145.
lymphatic vessels of, 719.
nerves of, 1146.
structure of, 1146.
tela submucosa, 1146.
thoracic portion of, 1145.
tunica mucosa, 1146.
muscularis, 1146.
vessels of, 1146.
Ethmoid bone, 153.
articulations of, 156.
cribriform plate of, 153.
crest, 161, 167.
foramina, 189.
horizontal lamina of, 153.
labyrinth or lateral mass of, 154.
lamina papyracea of, 155.
os planum of, 155.
ossification of, 155.
perpendicular plate of, 153.
uncinate process of, 155.
vertical plate, 154.
Ethmoidal arteries, 570.
canals, 138, 154.
cells, 154, 998.
notch, 137.
plate, 85.
process of inferior nasal concha, 169.
spine, 147, 190.
Ethmovomerine cartilage, 171.
Eustachian tube, 1042.
valve, 530.
Excavation, rectouterine, 1152.
retrovesical, 1152.
vesicouterine, 1152.
Exner, plexus of, 846.
Exognathion, 200.
Extensor carpi radialis accessorius muscle, 452.
brevis muscle, 452.
actions of, 456.
nerves of, 456.
variations of, 452.
intermedius muscle, 452.
longus muscle, 452.
actions of, 456.
nerves of, 456.
Extensor carpi radialis longus muscle, variations of, 452.
ulnaris muscle, 454.
actions of, 456.
nerves of, 456.
variations of, 454.
coccygis muscle, 401.
digiti quinti proprius muscle, 454.
actions of, 456.
nerves of, 456.
variations of, 454.
digitorum brevis muscle, 488.
actions of, 488.
nerves of, 488.
variations of, 488.
communis muscle, 452.
actions of, 456.
nerves of, 456.
variations of, 454.
longus muscle, 481.
actions of, 482.
nerves of, 482.
variations of, 482.
hallucis longus muscle, 481.
actions of, 482.
nerves of, 482.
variations of, 481.
indicis proprius muscle, 456.
actions of, 456.
nerves of, 456.
variations of, 456.
minimi digiti muscle, 454.
ossis metacarpi pollicis muscle, 455.
metatarsis hallucis muscle, 481.
pollicis brevis muscle, 455.
actions of, 456.
nerves of, 456.
variations of, 455.
longus muscle, 455.
actions of, 456.
nerves of, 456.
primi internodii pollicis muscle, 455.
proprius hallucis muscle, 481.
secundi internodii pollicis muscle, 455.
Exterior of skull, 178.
External abdominal ring, 410.
arcuate ligament, 405.
auditory canal, 1036.
meatus, 1036.
calcaneal artery, 638.
calcaneoastragaloid ligament, 352.
canthus of eyelids, 1025.
circumflex artery, 630.
cutaneous nerve, 953.
geniculate body, 811.
intercostal muscles, 403.
lateral ligament, 297, 322, 328.
ligament of malleus, 1045.
malleolar artery, 635.
oblique muscle, 409.
plantar artery, 639.
nerve, 963.
popliteal nerve, 964.
pterygoid muscle, 386.
pudic arteries, 629.
respiratory nerve of Bell, 933.
saphenous vein, 670.
semilunar fibrocartilage, 343.
spermatic fascia, 1238.
sphincter ani muscle, 425.
Extraspinal veins, 668.
Extremitas acromialis [clavicula], 202.
sternalis [clavicula], 202.
Extremity of penis, 1250.
Extrinsic muscles of tongue, 1129.
Eye, 1000.
Eyeball or bulb of eye, 1000.
Eyeball, accessory organs of, 1021.
aqueous humor, 1018.
capsule of Ténon, 1024.
chambers of, 1012.
choroid, 1009.
ciliary body, 1010.
muscle, 1011.
processes, 1010.
conjunctiva, 1026.
cornea, 1006.
crystalline lens, 1019.
development of, 1001.
fascia bulbi, 1024.
fibrous tunic, 1005.
hyaloid membrane, 1018.
iris, 1012.
orbiculus ciliaris, 1010.
pupil, 1012.
pupillary membrane, 1003.
refracting media, 1018.
retina, 1014.
pigmented layer of, 1015.
proper, 1015.
supporting frame-work of, 1017.
sclera, 1005.
tunics of, 1005.
vascular, 1009.
uvea, 1013.
vessels and nerves of, 1021.
vitreous body, 1018.
Eyebrows, 1025.
Eyelashes, 1025.
Eyelids, 1025.
canthus of, 1025.
development of, 1005.
structure of, 1025.
surface anatomy of, 1299.
tarsi of, 1025.
Eye-teeth, 1117.
Face, bones of, 156.
development of, 67.
lymphatics of, 692.
surface anatomy of, 1294.
Facial artery, 553.
transverse, 558.
bones, 156.
canal, 142.
hiatus of, 142.
prominence of, 1042.
lymph glands, 694.
nerve, 901.
composition and central connections of, 861.
sympathetic efferent fibers of, 970.
vein, anterior, 645.
common, 645.
deep, 645.
posterior, 645.
transverse, 645.
Falciform ligament of liver, 1150, 1192.
margin of fossa ovalis, 469.
process of sacrotuberous ligament, 309.
Fallopian tubes, 1257.
Fallopius, aqueduct of, prominence of, 1042.
False ligaments of bladder, 1231.
pelvis, 239.
ribs, 123.
vocal cords, 1079.
Falx aponeurotica inguinalis, 414.
cerebelli, 873.
cerebri, 873.