Anatomy of the Human Body > Subject Index > Page 17 CONTENTS · ILLUSTRATIONS · SUBJECT INDEX


Geniohyoideus muscle, 393.
action of, 393.
nerves of, 393.
variations of, 393.
Genital cord, 1207.
corpuscles, 1060.
organs of female, 1254.
external, 1264.
of male, 1236.
glands, 1207.
ridge, 1207.
swellings, 1214.
tubercle, 1213.
Genitocrural nerve, 953.
Genitofemoral nerve, 953.
Gennari, band of, 845, 847.
Genu of corpus callosum, 828.
of internal capsule, 836.
Gerlach, tube tonsil of, 1043.
Germ centers, 689.
dental, 1122.
Germinal cells, 35.
epithelium, 1207, 1255.
path, 1210.
spot, 39.
vesicle, 39.
Giacomini, band of, 827.
Giant cells, 88.
of Betz, 845.
Gianuzzi, crescents of, 1136.
Gimbernat’s ligament, 412.
Gingivæ, 1112.
Ginglymus, 285.
Giraldès, organ of, 1246.
Girdle of inferior extremity, 200.
pelvic, 200.
shoulder, 200.
of superior extremity, 200.
Glabella, 135, 178, 198.
Gladiolus, 120.
Gland or Glands, accessory, of mouth, 1137.
part of parotid, 1134.
anterior lingual, 1131.
aortic, 1269.
areolar, 1267.
arytenoid, 1084.
of Bartholin, 1266.
of Blandin, 1131.
of Bowman, 996.
Brunner’s, 1176.
buccal, 1112.
bulbourethral, 1253.
cardiac, 1166.
carotid, 1281.
ceruminous, 1037.
ciliary, 1025.
coccygeal, 1281.
Cowper’s, 1253.
ductless, 1269.
duodenal, 1176.
esophageal, 1146.
fundus, 1166.
gastric, 1166.
gastro-epiploic, right, 706.
genital, 1207.
intestinal, 1174.
labial, 1111.
lacrimal, 1028.
of larynx, 1084.
lenticular, of stomach, 1167.
of Littré, 1235.
Luschka’s, 1281.
mammæ, 1267.
mammary, 1267.
Meibomian, 1026.
molar, 1112.
mucous, of tongue, 1131.
of Nuhn, 1131.
oxyntic, 1166.
parathyroid, 1271.
parotid, 1132.
Peyer’s, 1176.
preputial, 1250.
prostate, 1251.
Gland or Glands, pyloric, 1166.
salivary, 1132.
sebaceous, 1069.
serous, of tongue, 1137.
solitary, 1176.
sublingual, 1136.
submaxillary, 1135.
sudoriferous, 1070.
suprarenal, 1278.
sweat, 1070.
tarsal, 1026.
thymus, 1273.
thyroid, 1269.
of tongue, 1131.
trachoma, 1028.
urethral, 1235.
uterine, 1262.
vestibular, greater, 1266.
Glandula lacrimalis, 1028.
parotis, 1132.
sublingualis, 1136.
submaxillaris, 1135.
suprarenalis, 1278.
thyreoidea, 1269.
vestibularis major [Bartholini], 1266.
Glandulæ bulbourethrales, 1253.
duodenales [Brunneri], 1176.
intestinales [Lieberkuhni], 1174.
labiales, 1111.
æsophageæ, 1146.
Pacchioni, 878.
sebaceæ, 1069.
sudoriferæ, 1070.
suprarenales accessoriæ, 1279.
tarsales [Meibomi], 1026.
thyreoideæ accessoriæ, 1270.
Glans clitoridis, 1266.
penis, 1248.
Glaserian fissure, 140, 1038.
Glenohumeral ligaments, 318.
Glenoid cavity, 207.
fossa, 104.
ligament of Cruveilhier, 332, 359.
of shoulder, 319.
Glenoidal labrum of hip-joint, 336.
of shoulder-joint, 319.
Gliding joints, 285.
movement, 286.
Glisson’s capsule, 1157, 1194.
Globular processes of His, 68.
Globus major [epididymis], 1242.
minor [epididymis], 1242.
pallidus, 834.
Glomera carotica, 1281.
Glomus caroticum, 1281.
coccygeum, 1281.
Glossoepiglottic folds, 1075, 1125.
Glossopalatine arch, 1137.
Glossopalatinus muscle, 1129, 1139 note
Glossopharyngeal nerve, 906.
composition and central connections of, 856.
sympathetic afferent fibers of, 972.
Glottis respiratoria, 1080.
vocalis, 1080.
rima of, 1080.
Glutæus maximus muscle, 474.
actions of, 478.
nerves of, 478.
medius muscle, 474.
actions of, 478.
nerves of, 478.
variations of, 475.
minimus muscle, 475.
actions of, 478.
nerves of, 478.
variations of, 475.
Gluteal artery, inferior, 620.
superior, 622.
lines of ilium, 232.
Gluteal muscles, 474.
nerves, 959.
tuberosity, 246.
veins, 674.
Gnathic index, 246.
Golgi, cells of, 845.
organs of, 1061.
Golgi and Mazzoni, corpuscles of, 1061.
Goll, tract of, 752, 762.
Gomphosis, 284.
Gonion, 198.
Gower’s, tract of, 761, 854.
Graafian follicles, 1256.
structure of, 1256.
Gracile nucleus, 774.
Gracilis muscle, 471.
actions of, 474.
nerves of, 474.
Grandry, tactile corpuscles of, 1060.
Granular layer of dentin, 1119.
Granulationes arachnoideales, 878.
Granulations, arachnoid, 878.
Granule cells, 377.
Gray commissure of brain, 809.
commissures of medulla spinalis, 754.
or gelatinous nerve fibers, 728.
substance of cerebellum, 794.
of cerebral hemispheres, 845.
of cortex, 794.
of medulla oblongata, 779.
spinalis, 753.
Great auricular nerve, 926.
cardiac nerve, 979.
vein, 642.
cerebral vein, 653.
longitudinal fissure, 818.
omentum, 1157.
sacrosciatic ligament, 309.
saphenous vein, 669.
splanchnic nerve, 981.
transverse fissure of brain, 842.
wings of sphenoid, 149.
Greater cavernous nerve, 989.
curvature of stomach, 1162.
multangular bone, 225.
occipital nerve, 923.
omentum, 1157.
palatine foramen, 180.
pelvis, 238.
peritoneal sac, 1150.
sciatic foramen, 309.
notch, 235.
sigmoid cavity, 215.
splanchnic nerve, 981.
superficial petrosal nerve, 892, 903.
trochanter, 244.
vestibular glands, 1213, 1266.
Groove, auriculoventricular, 526.
bicipital, 209.
carotid, 148, 191.
chiasmatic, 147, 190.
costal, 124.
infraorbital, 159.
interatrial, 527.
intertubercular, of humerus, 209.
lacrimal, 159, 189.
musculospiral, 211.
mylohyoid, 173.
neural, 50.
obturator, 237.
occipital, 141.
optic, 147.
primitive, 47.
pterygopalatine, 151.
for radial nerve, 211.
vertebral, 115.
Gubernaculum dentis, 1124.
testis, 1211.
Gudden, commissure of, 883.
mammillo-tegmental bundle of, 867.