Anatomy of the Human Body > Subject Index > Page 16 CONTENTS · ILLUSTRATIONS · SUBJECT INDEX


Fossa or Fossæ, acetabular, 237.
anticubital, 589.
canine, 158.
cecal, 1160.
cochlearis, 1048.
condyloid, 131, 181.
coronoid, 212.
cranii anterior, 190.
media, 190.
posterior, 192.
digastric, 141.
digital, of epididymis, 1242.
of femur, 244.
for ductus venosus, 1191.
duodenal, 1159.
duodenojejunal, 1159.
femoral, 626.
for gall-bladder, 1191.
glenoid, 140.
hyaloid, 1018.
hypophyseos, 147, 190.
ileocecal, 1160.
iliac, 234.
incisive, 158, 172, 188.
incudis, 1042.
for inferior vena cava, 1191.
infraspinatous, 203.
infratemporal, 184.
infratemporalis, 184.
intercondyloid, of femur, 247.
of tibia, 256.
interpeduncular, 800, 816.
intersigmoid, 1161.
ischiorectal, 425.
ischiorectalis, 425.
jugular, 144.
lacrimal, 137, 188.
of liver, 1191.
mandibular, 140, 180, 183.
mastoid, 140.
nasal, 994.
navicularis [urethra], 1235.
[vulval], 1266.
occipital, inferior, 193.
olecranon, 212.
ovalis of fascia lata, 469.
of heart, 531.
ovarian, 1154, 1254.
pararectal, 1154.
paravesical, 1154.
pericecal, 1160.
peritoneal, 1158.
popliteal, 631.
pterygoid, 151.
pterygopalatina, 185.
pterygopalatine, 185.
radial, 212.
retrocecal, 1161.
retroperitoneal, 1158.
rhomboid, 798.
rhomboidea, 798.
of Rosenmüller, 1141, 1142.
sagittalis sinistra [liver], 1141.
scaphoid, 151, 180.
of skull, anterior, 190.
middle, 190.
posterior, 192.
sphenomaxillary, 185.
subarcuate, 143.
subscapular, 202.
supraspinatous, 203.
supratonsillar, 1138.
Sylvian, 747.
temporal, 183.
temporalis, 183.
triangularis, 1034.
trochanteric, 244.
for umbilical vein, 1191.
venæ cavæ, 1191.
vermian, 131.
vesicæ felleæ, 1191.
Fountain decussation of Meynert, 806.
Fourchette, 1265.
Fourth metacarpal bone, 228.
metatarsal bone, 274.
nerve, 885.
ventricle, 797.
floor of, 798.
Fovea capitis femoris, 243.
centralis retinæ, 1015, 1017.
structure of, 1017.
dentis, 99.
of rhomboid fossa, 800.
trochlear, 137, 188.
Foveolæ, Howship’s, 88.
Free nerve-endings, 1059.
Freely movable joints, 285.
Frenula of colic valve, 1179.
of lips, 1111.
Frenulum of clitoris, 1266.
of labia minora, 1265.
linguæ, 1125.
Frenulum of prepuce, 1250.
veli, 805.
Frommann’s lines, 727.
Frontal air sinuses, 138, 998.
artery, 750.
bone, 135.
articulations of, 138.
orbital or horizontal part of, 137.
ossification of, 138.
squama of, 135.
structure of, 138.
convolution, ascending, 821.
crest, 136.
eminences, 135, 178, 183.
gyri, 821, 822.
lobe, 821.
nerve, 887.
operculum, 825.
process of maxilla, 161.
sulci, 821.
suture, 135, 178.
vein, 644.
Frontalis muscle, actions of, 380.
nerves of, 380.
variations of, 380.
Frontoethmoidal suture, 190.
Frontomaxillary suture, 189.
Frontonasal duct, 138.
process, 97.
Frontopontine fibers, 802.
Frontosphenoidal process of zygomatic bone, 164.
Fundiform ligament of penis, 1249.
Fundus glands of stomach, 1166.
tympani, 1038.
of uterus, 1259.
Fungiform papillæ of tongue, 1126.
Funiculi of medulla spinalis, 758, 759.
Funiculus separans, 800.
spermaticus, 1239.
Furcal nerve, 949.
Furcula, 1071, 1103.
Furrow, chordal, 52.
dental, 1122.
nasoöptic, 69, 1005.
Furrowed band of cerebellum, 971.
Fusiform gyrus, 823, 824.
Galea aponeurotica, 380.
Galen, veins of, 653.
Gall-bladder, 1197.
fossa for, 1191.
lymphatic capillaries in, 686.
vessels of, 711.
structure of, 1198.
Gangliated cord, 976.
Ganglion or Ganglia, 730.
aorticorenal, 985.
cardiac, of Wrisberg, 984.
carotid, 977.
celiac, 985.
cervical, 978, 980.
cervicale inferius, 980.
medium, 979.
superius, 978.
ciliary, 888.
cæliaca, 985.
collateral, 976.
of Corti, 1051, 1059.
Gasserian, 886.
genicular, 902.
geniculi, 902.
of glossopharyngeal, 906.
habenulæ, 812.
impar, 984.
inferior, 908.
interpeduncular, 800, 802, 868.
jugular, 908, 911.
jugulare, 911.
Ganglion or Ganglia, Langley’s, 1137.
lenticular, 888.
Meckel’s, 891.
nodosum, 911.
ophthalmic, 888.
otic, 897.
oticum, 897.
petrosum, 908.
petrous, 908.
phrenicum, 986.
ridge or neural crest, 51, 736.
of Scarpa, 1058.
semilunar, of abdomen, 985.
of trigeminal nerve, 886.
semilunare [Gasseri], 886.
sphenopalatine, 891.
rami nasales posteriores inferiores, 893.
superiores, 893.
orbitales, 893.
spinal, 918.
spinale, 918.
spiral, of cochlea, 1059.
splanchnicum, 981.
submaxillare, 898.
submaxillary, 898.
superior, of glossopharyngeal, 908.
mesenteric, 987.
superius, 908.
of vagus, 910.
vestibular, 1058.
of Wrisberg, 984.
Ganglionic arterial system of brain, 574.
arteries, anterolateral, 573.
antero-medial, 571.
postero-lateral, 581.
postero-medial, 574, 581.
layer of retina, 1016.
Gärtner, duct of, 1206, 1255.
Gasserian ganglion, 886.
Gaster, 1161.
Gastric arteries, short, 606.
artery, left, 603.
right, 604.
glands, 1166.
impression, 1189.
lymph glands, 706.
nerves from vagus, 913.
plexuses from sympathetic, 986, 987.
from vagus, 913.
veins, short, 681.
Gastrocnemius muscle, 482.
actions of, 483.
nerves of, 483.
variations of, 483.
Gastrocolic ligament, 1153.
omentum, 1157.
Gastroduodenal artery, 604.
Gastroepiploic arteries, 604, 606.
gland, right, 706.
veins, 681, 682.
Gastrohepatic omentum, 1156.
Gastrolienal ligament, 1155.
Gastropancreatic fold, 1156.
Gastrophrenic ligament, 1162.
Gemelli muscles, actions of, 478.
nerves of, 478.
Gemellus inferior muscle, 477.
superior muscle, 477.
General sensations, peripheral terminations of nerve of, 1059.
Generation, development of external organs of, 1213.
Genicular arteries, 631, 633.
ganglion of facial nerve, 902.
Geniculate bodies, 811.
Geniculum of facial nerve, 902.
of internal capsule, 836.
Genioglossus muscle, 1129.
Geniohyoglossus muscle, 1129.
Geniohyoid muscle, 393.