Anatomy of the Human Body > Subject Index > Page 39 CONTENTS · ILLUSTRATIONS · SUBJECT INDEX


Scapula, 202.
acromion of, 203.
coracoid process of, 207.
glenoid cavity of, 207.
ligaments of, 316.
ossification of, 208.
spine of, 203.
structure of, 207.
surface anatomy of, 1326.
Scapular arteries, 582.
circumflex artery, 588.
nerve, posterior, 932.
notch, 204.
Scapuloclavicular articulation, 315.
Scapus or shaft of hair, 1069.
pili, 1069.
Scarpa, fascia of, 408.
foramina of, 162, 180.
ganglion of, 1058.
triangle of, 626.
Schindylesis, 284.
Schlemm, canal of, 1005.
Schreger, lines of, 1120.
Schultze, primitive fibrillæ of, 725.
Schwann, white matter of, 726.
Sciatic artery, 620.
foramen, 309.
nerves, 959, 960.
notch, 235.
veins, 674.
Sclera, 1005.
structure of, 1006.
Scleral spur, 1007.
Sclerocorneal junction, 1005.
Sclerotogenous layer, 80.
Sclerotome, 80.
Scrotal arteries, posterior, 619.
nerves, posterior, 968.
Scrotum, 1237.
dartos tunic of, 1238.
integument of, 1237.
nerves of, 1239.
raphé of, 1237.
vessels of, 1239.
Sebaceous glands, 1069.
Second cuneiform bone, 271.
metacarpal bone, 228.
metatarsal bone, 271.
nerve, 882.
Secondary areolæ of bone, 94.
dentin, 1120.
oöcytes, 41.
sensory fasciculus, 762.
spermatocytes, 43.
tympanic membrane, 1040.
Secretion, internal, 1269.
Segment, internodal, 727.
of Lantermann, 727.
medullary, 727.
Segmentation of cells, 37.
of fertilized ovum, 45.
nucleus, 45.
Segments, primitive, 52.
spinal, 750.
Sella turcica, 147, 190.
Semicanalis m. tensoris tympani, 145, 1042.
tubæ auditivæ, 145, 1042.
Semicircular canals, 1047, 1052.
ducts, 1052.
Semilunar bone, 224.
fibrocartilages of knee, 342, 343.
ganglion of abdomen, 985.
of trigeminal nerve, 886.
lobules of cerebellum, 790.
Semimembranosus muscle, 479.
actions of, 480.
nerves of, 480.
variations of, 479.
Seminal duct, 1245.
vesicles, 1246.
Semispinalis capitis muscle, 400.
cervicis muscle, 400.
colli muscle, 400.
dorsi muscle, 400.
muscles, actions of, 402.
nerves of, 402.
Semitendinosus muscle, 479.
actions of, 480.
nerves of, 480.
Sensations, peripheral terminations of nerves of, 1059.
Senses, organs of, 991.
special, peripheral organs of, 991.
Sensory areas of cerebral cortex, 849.
decussation, 777.
pathways from spinal cord to brain, 851.
Septum, aortic, 514.
canalis musculotubarii, 145, 1042.
crural, 626.
femorale, 626.
inferius of heart, 512.
intermedium, 512.
interventricular, 534.
lucidum, 840.
mobile nasi, 993.
nasi, 194.
of nose, 194, 995.
orbital, 1026.
pectiniforme penis, 1248.
pellucidum, 840.
primum, 512.
secundum, 512.
spurium, 510.
subarachnoid, 877.
of tongue, 1132.
transversum, 72.
of semicircular ducts, 1052.
urorectal, 1109.
ventricular, 512, 535.
ventriculorum, 535.
Serosa, or false amnion, 56.
Serous glands of tongue, 1131.
pericardium, 526.
Serratus anterior muscle, 438.
actions of, 439.
nerves of, 439.
variations of, 439.
magnus muscle, 438.
posterior inferior muscle, 404.
variations of, 404.
superior muscle, 404.
variations of, 404.
posticus muscles, 404.
Sertoli, cells of, 1243.
Sesamoid bones, 277.
cartilages, 993.
Seventh nerve, 901.
Shaft of hair, 1069.
Sheath or Sheaths of arteries, 499.
carotid, 389.
crural, 625.
dentinal, of Neumann, 1119.
femoral, 625.
of flexor tendons of fingers, 449.
of toes, 492.
mucous, 283.
of tendons around ankle, 489.
on back of wrist, 459.
in front of wrist, 457.
of rectus abdominis muscle, 416.
Shin bone, 256.
Short bones, 79.
calcaneocuboid ligament, 354.
gastric veins, 681.
plantar ligament, 354.
saphenous nerve, 963.
vein, 670.
Shoulder blade, 202.
girdle, 200.
muscles of, 439.
development of, 371.
Shoulder-joint, 317.
bursæ near, 319.
movements of, 319.
vessels and nerves of, 319.
Sibson’s fascia, 1089.
Sight, organ of, 1000.
Sigmoid arteries, 610.
cavity of radius, 220.
of ulna, 215.
colon, 1182.
flexure, 1182.
mesocolon, 1153.
sinus, 657.
sulcus, 142.
Sinus or Sinuses, aortic, 534.
basilar, 660.
cavernous, 658.
cervicalis, 67.
circular, 659.
confluence of, 658.
coronary, 642.
costomediastinal, 1090.
cranial, 135 note; of dura mater, 654.
of epididymis, 1242.
of external jugular vein, 647.
frontal, 138, 998.
intercavernous, 659.
laryngeal, 1080.
lateral, 657.
longitudinal, 654, 655.
maxillary, 159, 999.
of Morgagni, 1143.
of nose, 998.
occipital, 658.
of pericardium, 526.
petrosal, 659.
petrosquamous, 658.
phrenicocostal, 1089.
pocularis, 1234.
prostatic, 1234.
pyriformis, 1142.
renal, 1221.
rhomboidalis, 51.
sagittal, 654, 655.
septum, 511.
sigmoid, 657.
sphenoidal, 149, 998.
sphenoparietal, 658.
straight, 655.
tentorial, 655.
tonsillaris, 67.
transverse, 657, 660.
urogenital, 1213.
of Valsalva, 533, 534.
venarum, 528.
venosus, 508.
Sinus or Sinuses, cavernosus, 658.
coronarius, 642.
duræ matris, 654.
frontales, 998.
intercavernosi, 659.
maxillaris, 159, 999.
occipitalis, 658.
paranasales, 998.
petrosus, 648, 659.
rectus, 655.
sagittalis, 654, 655.
sphenoidales, 998.
tarsi, 267.
transversus, 657.
venosus, 529.
scleræ, 1005.
Sinusoids of Minot, 501.
Sixth nerve, 899.
Skein, or spirem, 37.
Skeleton, 79.
development of, 80.
Skene’s duct, 1213.
Skin, 1062.
appendages of, 1066.
hairs, 1067.
nails, 1066.
sebaceous glands, 1069.
sudoriferous or sweat glands, 1070.
arteries of, 1066.
corium or cutis vera, 1065.
development of, 1066.
epidermis or cuticle, 1062.
furrows of, 1062.
lymphatic capillaries in, 684.
nerves of, 1066.
papillary layer of, 1065.
reticular layer of, 1065.
stratum corneum, 1062.
mucosum, 1062.
true 1065.