Anatomy of the Human Body > Subject Index > Page 38 CONTENTS · ILLUSTRATIONS · SUBJECT INDEX


Recurrent artery, interosseous, 597.
radial, 594.
tibial, 635.
ulnar, 596.
branches from deep volar arch, 595.
laryngeal nerve, 912.
nerve, 912.
Red corpuscles, 503.
nucleus, 802.
Reflected inguinal ligament, 412.
Reflections of pleuræ, 1088.
Reflex paths, spinal intrinsic, 850.
Refracting media of eye, 1018.
Regions of abdomen, 1147.
Reil, island of, 825.
Reissner, vestibular membrane of, 1054.
Renal arteries, 610.
columns, 1221.
fascia, 1220.
impression, 1189.
pelvis, 1221, 1225.
plexus, 987.
pyramids, 1221.
sinus, 1221.
tubules, 1221.
veins, 679.
vessels, afferent and efferent, 1221, 1224.
Renes, 1215.
Reproduction of cells, 37.
Respiration, mechanism of, 407.
Respiratory apparatus, 1071.
development of, 1071.
nerve of Bell, 928, 933.
system, 1071.
Restiform bodies of medulla, 973.
Rete canalis hypoglossi, 660.
foraminis ovalis, 660.
testis, 1244.
Retia venosa vertebrarum, 668.
Reticular lamina, 1058.
layer of skin, 1065.
Reticularis alba, 784.
grisea, 784.
Retina, 1014.
central artery of, 571.
development of, 1002.
fovea centralis, 1015.
layers of, 1015.
macula lutea, 1015.
membrana limitans 1017.
ora serrata, 1014.
structure of, 1015.
supporting frame-work of, 1017.
Retinacula of hip-joint, 334.
patellar, 340.
peroneal, 489.
Retrahens aurem muscle, 1035.
Retrocecal fossa, 1161.
Retroglandular sulcus of penis, 1249.
Retroperitoneal fossæ, 1158.
Retropharyngeal lymph glands, 694.
space, 390.
Retropubic pad, 1228.
Retrovesical excavation, 1152.
Retzius, colored lines of, 1120.
Rhinal fissure, external, 744.
Rhinencephalon, 744, 826.
Rhombencephalon, 51, 738, 767.
Rhombic grooves, 740.
lip, 739.
Rhomboid fossa, 798.
impression, 202.
ligament, 314.
Rhomboidei muscles, actions of, 435.
nerves of, 435.
variations of, 435.
Rhomboideus major muscle, 434.
minor muscle, 434.
occipitalis muscle, 435.
Rhomboids, nerve to, 932.
Ribs, 123.
common characteristics of, 123.
development of, 82.
false, 123.
floating or vertebral, 123.
ossification of, 127.
peculiar, 125.
structure of, 125.
true, 123.
vertebrochondral, 123.
vertebrosternal, 123.
Ridge, ganglion, 51, 736.
supracondylar, 211.
trapezoid or oblique, 200.
Ridges, bicipital, 209.
Right atrium, 529.
auricle, 529.
auricular appendix, 529.
coronary plexus, 985.
veins, 642.
gastroepiploic glands, 706.
ventricle, 531.
Rima glottidis, 1080.
of mouth, 1110.
palpebrarum, 1025.
pudendal, 1265.
Ring, femoral, 625.
subcutaneous, 410.
tympanic, 146.
Rings, abdominal, 410, 418.
fibrous, of heart, 536.
Risorius muscle, 385.
action of, 385.
nerves of, 385.
Rivinus, ducts of, 1136.
notch of, 1038.
Rod-bipolars of retina, 1017.
Rod-granules of retina, 1017.
Rods and cones, layer of, 1017.
of Corti, 1056.
of retina, 1017.
Rolando, fissure of, 819.
substantia gelatinosa of, 753.
tubercle of, 775.
Roller, nucleus of, 784.
Roof plate of medulla spinalis, 133.
Root of lung, 1097.
of penis, 1249.
Root-sheaths of hair, 1068.
Roots of spinal nerves, 764, 916.
of teeth, 1114.
of zygomatic process, 139.
Rosenmüller, fossa of, 1141, 1142.
lymph gland of, 703.
organ of, 1206, 1255.
Rostrum of corpus callosum, 828.
sphenoidal, 149.
Rotary joint, 285.
Rotation, movement of, 286.
Rotatores muscles, 400.
action of, 402.
nerves of, 402.
spinæ muscle, 400.
Round ligament of liver, 1192.
of uterus, 1261.
Rubrospinal fasciculus, 870.
Ruffini, corpuscles of, 1061.
Rust-colored layer of cerebellar cortex, 795.
Sac, dental, 1123.
lacrimal, 1028.
Sac, preputial, 1250.
Sacs of peritoneum, 1150, 1152.
Saccule, laryngeal, 1080.
of vestibule, 1051, 1052.
Sacculus, 1052.
Saccus lacrimalis, 1028.
vaginalis, 1211.
Sacral arteries, lateral, 621.
artery, middle, 613.
canal, 110.
cornua, 108.
crests, 107, 108.
foramina, 106, 108.
groove, 107.
hiatus, 107.
lymph glands, 704.
nerves, divisions of, 924, 957.
nucleus of medulla spinalis, 758.
plexus, 957.
sympathetics, 973.
tuberosity, 108.
veins, 673, 677.
Sacrococcygeal ligaments, 309.
Sacrogenital folds, 1154, 1260.
Sacroiliac articulation, 306.
ligaments, 307, 308.
Sacrosciatic ligaments, 309.
Sacrospinalis muscle, 397.
Sacrovertebral angle, 106.
Sacrum, 106.
ala of, 110.
apex of, 110.
articulations of, 111.
auricular surface of, 108.
base of, 109.
ossification of, 113.
structure of, 111.
variations of, 111.
Saddle-joint, 286.
Sagittal fossa of liver, 1191.
sinuses, 654, 655.
sulcus, 131, 134, 136.
suture, 134, 178.
Salivary glands, 1132.
development of, 1102.
parotid, 1132.
structure of, 1136.
sublingual, 1136.
submaxillary, 1135.
Salpingopalatine fold, 1142.
Salpingopharyngeal fold, 1142.
Salpingopharyngeus muscle, 1143.
Salter, incremental lines of, 1120.
Santorini, cartilages of, 1075.
duct of, 1202.
Saphenous nerves, 956, 963.
opening, 469.
veins, 669, 670.
Sarcolemma, 373.
Sarcomere, 375.
Sarcoplasm, 374.
Sarcostyles, 374.
Sarcous elements of muscles, 375.
Sartorius muscle, 470.
Scala media [cochlea], 1054.
tympani, 1051.
vestibuli, 1051.
Scalene tubercle, 125.
Scaleni muscles, actions of, 396.
nerves of, 396.
variations of, 396.
Scalenus anterior muscle, 396.
anticus muscle, 396.
medius muscle, 396.
pleuralis muscle, 396.
posterior muscle, 396.
posticus muscle, 396.
Scalp, lymphatic vessels of, 694.
skin of, 378.
Scapha, 1034.
Scaphoid bone, 221, 270.
fossa of sphenoid, 151, 180.