Anatomy of the Human Body > Subject Index > Page 40 CONTENTS · ILLUSTRATIONS · SUBJECT INDEX


Skull, 128.
development of, 83.
differences in, due to age, 196.
exterior of, 178.
fossa of, 190, 192.
interior of, 189.
norma basalis, 178, 179.
frontalis, 185.
lateralis, 182.
occipitalis, 185.
verticalis, 178.
sexual differences in, 197.
surface anatomy of, 1278.
tables of, 195.
upper surface of base of, 190.
Skull-cap, inner surface of, 189.
Slightly movable joints, 285.
Small cardiac vein, 642.
cavernous nerves, 989.
intestine, 1168.
areolar or submucous coat of, 1172.
circular folds of, 1173.
duodenum, 1168.
glands of, 1176.
ileum, 1170.
jejunum, 1170.
lymphatic nodules of, 1176.
vessels of, 710.
Meckel’s diverticulum of, 1172.
mucous membrane of, 1173.
muscular coat of, 1172.
nerves of, 1176.
Peyer’s glands of, 1176.
serous coat of, 1172.
valvulæ conniventes of, 1173.
vessels of, 1176.
villi of, 1174.
saphenous vein, 670.
sciatic nerve, 959.
wings of sphenoid, 151.
Smaller occipital nerve, 926.
Smallest cardiac veins, 643.
Smell, organ of, 992.
Soft palate, 1112.
aponeurosis of, 1139.
arches or pillars of, 1112.
muscles of, 1139.
Solar plexus, 985.
Sole of foot, muscles of, first layer, 491.
fourth layer, 495.
second layer, 493.
third layer, 493.
Soleus muscle, 483.
actions of, 483.
nerves of, 483.
variations of, 483.
Solitary cells of medulla spinalis, 758.
glands, 1176.
Somatic cells, 35.
fibers of spinal nerves, 920.
layer of mesoderm, 50.
Somatopleure, 50.
Space or Spaces, of angle of iris, 1009.
of Burns, 389.
corneal, 1008.
interpleural, 1090.
of Fontana, 1009.
intercostal, 123.
interglobular, 1120.
of Nuel, 1058.
popliteal, 631.
retropharyngeal, 390.
subarachnoid, 876.
Space or Spaces, suprasternal, 389.
Spatia zonularis, 1019.
Spatium perichorioideale, 1005.
Spermatic artery, internal, 611.
canal, 418.
cord, 1239.
structure of, 1239.
fascia, external, 411, 1238.
plexus of nerves, 987.
veins, 678.
Spermatids, 43, 1243.
Spermatoblasts, 1243.
Spermatocytes, 43, 1243.
Spermatogonia, 43, 1243.
Spermatozoön 42, 1243.
body or connecting piece of, 42.
formation of, 1243.
head of, 42.
neck of, 42.
perforator of, 42.
tail of, 43.
Sphenoethmoidal recess, 195, 994.
suture, 190.
Sphenofrontal suture, 182, 190.
Sphenoid bone, 147.
articulations of, 153.
body of, 147.
ossification of, 152.
pterygoid processes of, 151.
wings of, 149, 151.
Sphenoidal air sinuses, 149, 998.
conchæ, 152.
crest, 149.
process of palatine bone, 169.
of septal cartilage of nose, 993.
rostrum, 149.
spine, 150, 180.
turbinated processes, 152.
Sphenomandibular ligament, 297, 388.
Sphenomaxillary fissure, 184.
fossa, 185.
Sphenopalatine artery, 562.
foramen, 168.
ganglion, 891.
nerves, 890.
notch, 169.
Sphenoparietal sinus, 658.
suture, 182.
Sphenosquamosal suture, 182.
Sphenozygomatic suture, 182.
Sphincter ani externus muscle, 425.
internus muscle, 426.
pupillæ muscle, 1013.
recti muscle, 424.
urethræ membranaceæ muscle, 429, 431.
vaginæ muscle, 430.
Spigelian lobe of liver, 1192.
Spina helicis, 1034.
scapulæ, 203.
vestibuli, 510.
Spinal accessory nerve, 913.
arteries, 579.
bulb, 767.
column, 96.
cord, 749.
dura of, 875.
pathways from brain to, 870.
pia of, 879.
sensory pathways from, to brain, 851.
ganglia, 917.
lemniscus, 762.
nerves, 916.
composition and central connections of, 849.
connections with sympathetic, 920.
development of, 119.
divisions of, 921, 925.
fibers of, 920.
points of emergence of, 916.
Spinal nerves, roots of, 764, 916.
size and direction of, 917.
structure of, 920.
reflex paths, intrinsic, 850.
segments, 750.
Spinalis capitis muscle, 400.
cervicis muscle, 400.
colli muscle, 400.
dorsi muscle, 399.
Spindle, achromatic, 37.
aortic, 547.
neuromuscular, 1061.
neurotendinous, 1061.
Spine or Spines, ethmoidal, 147, 190.
of frontal bone, 136.
iliac, 234.
ischial, 235.
mental, 172.
nasal, 158, 163, 167, 180, 187.
pubic, 236.
of scapula, 203.
sphenoidal, 150, 180.
suprameatal, 145, 183.
of tibia, 256.
trochlear, 137.
Spinoglenoid ligament, 317.
Spinoölivary fasciculus, 854.
Spinoquadrigeminal system of Mott, 762.
Spinotectal fasciculus, 762, 854.
Spinothalamic fasciculus, 762.
Spinous process of a vertebra, 96.
Spiral canal of modiolus, 1051.
ligament, 1054.
line of femur, 245.
organ of Corti, 1056.
thread of spermatozoön, 43.
tube of kidney, 1223.
Spirem or skein, 37.
Splanchnic fibers of spinal nerves, 920.
layer of mesoderm, 50.
nerves, 981.
Splanchnology, 1071.
Splanchnopleure, 50.
Spleen or lien, 1282.
accessory, 1283.
bloodvessels of, 1285.
development of, 1282.
lymphatic capillaries in, 686.
nodulus of, 1285.
vessels of, 711.
Malpighian bodies of, 1285.
relations of, 1282.
size and weight of, 1283.
structure of, 1283.
supernumerary, 1283.
surface marking of, 1320.
Splenial center of ossification, 175.
Splenic artery, 605.
distribution of, 1285.
cells, 1284.
glands, 706.
flexure of colon, 1180.
plexus, 986.
pulp, 1284.
vein, 681.
Splenii muscles, actions of, 397.
nerves of, 397.
Splenium of corpus callosum, 828.
Splenius capitis muscle, 397.
cervicis muscle, 397.
variations of, 397.
colli muscle, 397.
Spongioblasts, 733.
Spongioplasm, 36.
Spring ligament, 356.
Spur of malleus, 1044.
scleral, 1007.
Squama, frontal, 135.
occipital, 129.
temporal, 139.
Squamosal suture, 183.
Stahr, middle gland of, 697.