Anatomy of the Human Body > Subject Index > Page 41 CONTENTS · ILLUSTRATIONS · SUBJECT INDEX


Stalks, optic, 742, 1001.
of thalamus, 811.
Stapedius muscle, 1046.
Stapes, 1045.
annular ligament of, 1043.
development of, 1033.
Stellate ligament, 299.
veins of kidney, 1224.
Stensen, duct of, 1134.
foramina of, 126, 180.
Stephanion, 183, 198.
Sternal angle, 121.
end of clavicle, 202.
foramen, 121.
furrow, 1307.
glands, 715.
plate, 83.
Sternalis muscle, 437.
Sternebræ, 120.
Sternoclavicular articulation, 313.
surface anatomy of, 1328.
Sternoclavicularis muscle, 438.
Sternocleidomastoid artery, 552, 556.
Sternocleidomastoideus muscle, 390.
variations of, 390.
Sternocostal ligaments, 302.
surface of heart, 528.
Sternohyoid muscle, 393.
Sternohyoideus muscle, 393.
variations of, 393.
Sternomastoid artery, 552, 556.
muscle, 390.
Sternopericardiac ligaments, 526.
Sternothyreoideus muscle, 393.
variations of, 394.
Sternothyroid muscle, 393.
Sternum, 119.
articulations of, 123.
development of, 83.
ossification of, 121.
structure of, 121.
Stomach, 1161.
bed, 1162.
body of, 1163.
cardiac glands of, 1166.
orifice of, 1161.
component parts of, 1163.
curvatures of, 1162.
development of, 1103.
fundus of, 1163.
glands of, 1166.
incisura angularis, 1162.
interior of, 1162.
lymphatic vessels of, 710.
mucous membrane of, 1166.
muscular coat of, 1164.
nerves of, 1167.
openings of, 1161.
position of, 1163.
pyloric antrum, 1162, 1163.
glands, 1166.
orifice, 1162.
valve, 1164.
serous coat of, 1164.
shape and position of, 1161.
structure of, 1164.
subdivisions of, 1163.
sulcus intermedius, 1162.
surface marking of, 1317.
surfaces of, 1162.
teeth, 1117.
vessels of, 1167.
Stomodeum, 1101.
Stratiform fibrocartilage, 282.
Stratum cinereum, 806.
compactum [decidua], 59.
corneum, 1062.
dorsale, 812.
germinativum, 1063.
granulosum, 1063.
intermedium [choroid], 1010.
lemnisci, 806.
lucidum, 1063.
Stratum opticum [retina], 1015.
[superior colliculus], 806.
spongiosum [decidua], 60.
zonale, 806.
Streak, primitive, 47.
Stria, longitudinal, 827.
Striate arteries, 573.
veins, inferior, 653.
Striated muscle, lymphatic capilaries in, 684.
Stripe of Hensen, 1058.
Striped muscle, 373.
Stroma of iris, 1013.
of kidney, 1225.
of ovary, 1256.
Styloglossus muscle, 1130.
Stylohyal part of styloid process, 145.
Stylohyoid ligament, 392.
muscle, 392.
nerve, from facial, 905.
Stylohyoideus muscle, 392.
variations of, 392.
Styloid process of fibula, 260.
of radius, 220.
of temporal bone, 145, 181.
of ulna, 218.
Stylomandibular ligament, 388.
Stylomastoid artery, 557.
foramen, 144, 181.
Stylopharyngeus muscle, 1143.
Subanconeus muscle, 445.
Subarachnoid cavity, 876.
cisternæ, 876.
septum, 877.
space, 876.
Subarcuate fossa, 143.
Subcallosal gyrus, 827, 869.
Subcardinal veins, 520.
Subclavian arteries, 575.
first part of left, 577.
of right, 576.
second portion of, 577.
surface anatomy of, 1290.
marking of, 1303.
third portion of, 577.
triangle, 394, 565.
vein, 664.
Subclavius muscle, 438.
variations, 438.
Subcostal arteries, 601.
zone, 1148.
Subcostales muscles, 403.
Subcrureus or articularis genu muscle, 471.
Subcutaneous inguinal ring, 410.
Subdural cavity, 875.
Subepithelial plexus of cornea, 1009.
Subfrontal gyre, 822.
Subinguinal lymph glands, 702.
Sublingual artery, 553.
gland, 1136.
Sublobular veins, 1196.
Submaxillary artery, 555.
duct, 1135.
ganglion, 898.
gland, 1135.
lymph glands, 697.
triangle, 392, 564.
Submental artery, 555.
lymph glands, 697.
triangle, 392.
Subnasal point, 198.
Suboccipital muscles, 401.
triangle, 402, 578.
Subparietal sulcus, 823.
Subperitoneal connective tissue, 418.
Subpleural mediastinal plexus, 584.
Subpubic ligament, 310.
Subsartorial plexus, 956.
Subscapular angle, 203.
artery, 588.
Subscapular fascia, 440.
fossa, 202.
nerves, 933.
Subscapularis muscle, 440.
Subserous areolar tissue, 1150.
Substantia adamantina, 1120.
alba, 758.
eburnea, 1119.
ferruginea, 800.
gelatinosa centralis, 754.
of Rolando, 753.
nerve cells in, 758.
grisea centralis, 753.
innominata of Meynert, 837.
nigra, 802.
ossea, 1120.
perforata anterior, 827.
propria [cornea], 1007.
Subthalamic tegmental region, 812.
Suctorial pad, 384.
Sudoriferous glands, 1070.
Sulci and fissures of cerebral hemisphere, 819.
development of, 747.
of medulla oblongata, 767.
spinalis, 752.
Sulcus, anterior longitudinal, of heart, 527.
antihelicis transversus, 1034.
arteriæ vertebralis, 99.
basilaris, 785.
calcaneal, 263.
central, 819.
centralis [Rolandi], 819.
cingulate, 820.
cinguli, 820.
circular, 821, 825.
circularis, 821.
corneæ, 1007.
coronary, of heart, 526.
frontal, 821.
horizontal, of cerebellum, 789.
intermedius [stomach], 1162.
intraparietal, 822.
lateral cerebral, 801.
limitans [rhomboid fossa], 799.
lunatus, 823 note; malleolar, 262.
medial frontal, of Eberstaller, 822.
median, of rhomboid fossa, 799.
of tongue, 1125.
medianus posterior, 752.
of Monro, 741, 742, 816.
occipital, 823.
oculomotor, 801.
olfactory, 822.
orbital, 822.
paramedial, 822.
postcentral, 822.
posterior longitudinal, of heart, 527.
preauricular, of ilium, 234.
precentral, 821.
radial, 211.
retroglandular, 1249.
sagittalis, 131, 134, 136.
sigmoid, 142.
spirales, 1055.
subparietal, 823.
tali, 267.
temporal, 824.
terminal, of right atrium, 529.
of tongue, 1125.
tubæ auditivæ, 150, 181.
tympanic, 145, 1037, 1039.
valleculæ, 790.
Supercilia, 1025.
Superciliary arches, 135, 178, 183.