Anatomy of the Human Body > Subject Index > Page 43 CONTENTS · ILLUSTRATIONS · SUBJECT INDEX


Suspensory ligament of axilla, 436.
of eye, 1025.
of lens, 1018.
of ovary, 1254.
of penis, 1249.
Sustentacular fibers of Müller, 1017.
Sustentaculum lienis, 1158.
tali, 266.
Sutura dentata, 284.
harmonia, 284.
limbosa, 284.
notha, 284.
serrata, 284.
squamosa, 284.
vera, 284.
Sutural bones, 156.
Suture, coronal, 178, 183.
frontal, 178.
frontoethmoidal, 190.
frontomaxillary, 189.
lambdoidal, 132, 135, 178, 183.
metopic, 135.
occipitomastoid, 183.
parietomastoid, 183.
petroöccipital, 193.
petrosquamous, 142, 145.
sagittal, 178.
sphenoethmoidal, 190.
sphenofrontal, 182, 190.
sphenoparietal, 182.
sphenopetrosal, 190.
sphenosquamosal, 182.
sphenozygomatic, 182.
squamosal, 183.
zygomaticofrontal, 182.
zygomaticomaxillary, 189.
zygomaticotemporal, 182.
Sweat glands, 1070.
Sylvian fissure, 747.
fossa, 747.
veins, 652, 653.
Sylvius, aqueduct of, 766, 767, 806.
fissure of, 819.
Sympathetic fibers of spinal nerves, 920.
nerves, 968.
connections with spinal nerves, 976.
plexuses, 984, 985, 987.
system, cephalic portion of, 977.
cephalic portion of, 977.
cervical portion of, 978.
pelvic portion of, 984.
thoracic portion of, 981.
trunks, 976.
Symphysis of mandible, 127.
ossium pubis, 310.
pubis, 310.
sacrococcygea, 309.
Synarthroses, 286.
Synchondrosis, 284.
neurocentral, 112.
Syncytiotrophoblast, 47.
Syncytium, 47.
Syndesmology, 279.
Syndesmosis, 285.
tibiofibularis, 348.
Synergic muscles, 362.
Synovia, 283.
Synovial membrane, 282.
See also Individual Joints.
Systemic circulation, 497.
veins, 641.
Tables of the skull, 79.
Tactile corpuscles of Golgi and Mazzoni, 1061.
of Grandry, 1060.
of Pacini, 1060.
of Ruffini, 1061.
of Wagner and Meissner, 1061.
discrimination, fibers of, 854.
Tænia pontis, 785.
semicircularis, 837, 869.
thalami, 809.
ventriculi quarti, 797.
Tæniæ coli, 1185.
Tæniæ of fourth ventricle, 797.
of muscular coat of large intestine, 1177.
Talocalcaneal articulation, 352.
Talocalcaneonavicular articulation, 353.
Talotibial ligaments, 351.
Talus, 266.
ossification of, 275.
Tangential fibers of cerebral cortex, 846.
Tapetum of choroid, 1010.
of corpus callosum, 829.
Tarsal arteries, 637.
bones, 263.
glands, 1026.
plates, 1025.
Tarsi of eyelids, 1025.
Tarsometatarsal articulations, 358.
Tarsus, 263.
articulations of, 352.
inferior, 1025.
ossification of, 275.
superior, 1025.
surface markings of, 1343.
synovial membranes of, 358.
Taste fibers, 867.
nerves of, 992.
organ of, 991.
Taste-buds, 991.
Tectorial membrane of ductus cochlearis, 1058.
Tectospinal fasciculus, 871.
Teeth, 1112.
bicuspid, 1118.
canine, 1117.
cement or crusta petrosa of, 1120.
crown of, 1116, 1117.
cutting, 1115.
deciduous, 1118.
dental canaliculi of, 1119.
dentin of, 1119.
development of, 1121.
enamel of, 1120.
eruption of, 1124.
eye, 1117.
general characters of, 1114.
incisive, 1115.
incisors, 1115.
ivory of, 1119.
milk, 1118.
molar, 1118.
multicuspid, 1118.
necks of, 1114.
permanent, 1115.
successional, 1124.
superadded, 1124.
premolar, 1118.
pulp cavity of, 1118.
roots of, 1114.
stomach, 1117.
structure of, 1118.
substantia adamantina of, 1120.
eburnea of, 1119.
ossea of, 1120.
temporary, 1118.
wisdom, 1118.
Tegmen tympani, 124, 1038.
Tegmental part of pons, 786.
Tegmentum, 802.
Tela chorioidea [fourth ventricle], 798.
[third ventricle], 841.
Telencephalon, 743, 817.
Telophase of karyokinesis, 38.
Temperature, impulses of, 853.