Anatomy of the Human Body > Subject Index > Page 5 CONTENTS · ILLUSTRATIONS · SUBJECT INDEX


Articulation or Articulations, 279.
acromioclavicular, 315.
amphiarthroses, 285.
of ankle, 349.
atlantoöccipital, 295.
of atlas with axis or epistropheus, 292.
with occipital bone, 295.
calcaneocuboid, 354.
of calcaneus and astragalus, 352.
with the cuboid, 354.
carpometacarpal, 330.
of carpus, 328.
of cartilages of ribs with each other, 304.
classification of, 284.
Articulation or Articulations, condyloid, 285.
costocentral, 299.
costochondral, 304.
costosternal, 302.
costotransverse, 300.
costovertebral, 299.
coxal, 333.
cuboideonavicular, 356.
cuneocuboid, 357.
cuneonavicular, 356.
diarthroses, 285.
of digits, 333.
of elbow, 321.
gomphosis, 284.
of hip, 333.
humeral, 317.
immovable, 284.
inferior, 325.
intercarpal, 328.
interchondral, 304.
intercuneiform, 357.
intermetacarpal, 331.
intermetatarsal, 358.
intertarsal, 352.
of knee, 339.
of lower extremity, 333.
of mandible, 297.
metacarpophalangeal, 332.
metatarsophalangeal, 359.
movable, 285.
movements of, 286.
of navicular with cuneiform bones, 356.
of pelvis, 306.
with vertebral column, 306.
of phalanges of foot, 359.
of hand, 333.
of pubic bones, 310.
symphysis, 310.
radiocarpal, 327.
radioulnar, 324, 325.
by reciprocal reception, 286.
sacrococcygeal symphysis, 309.
sacroiliac, 306.
of sacrum and coccyx, 309.
scapuloclavicular, 315.
schindylesis, 284.
of shoulder, 317.
sternoclavicular, 313.
sternocostal, 302.
of sternum, 304.
sutura, 284.
symphysis, 285.
pubis, 310.
synarthroses, 284.
synchondrosis, 284.
syndesmosis, 285.
talocalcaneal, 352.
talocalcaneonavicular, 353.
talocrural, 349.
tarsometatarsal, 358.
of tarsus, 352.
temporomandibular, 297.
tibiofibular, 348.
syndesmosis, 348.
tibiotarsal, 349.
of trunk, 287.
of upper extremity, 313.
of vertebral arches, 289.
bodies, 287.
column, 287.
with cranium, 295.
with pelvis, 306.
of wrist, 327.
Articulationes capitulorum, 299.
carpometacarpeæ, 330.
pollicis, 330.
costotransversariæ, 300.
costovertebrales, 299.
digitorum manus, 333.
pedis, 359.
intercarpeæ, 328.
interchondrales, 304.
intermetacarpeæ, 331.
Articulationes intermetatarseæ, 358.
intertarseæ, 352.
metatarsophalangeæ, 359.
ossiculorum auditus, 1045.
sternocostales, 302.
tarsometatarseæ, 358.
Aryepiglottic fold, 1079.
Aryepiglotticus muscle, 1083.
Arytænoideus muscle, 1082.
Arytenoid cartilages, 1075.
glands, 1084.
swellings, 1071.
Ascending aorta, 545.
cervical artery, 582.
colon, 1180.
frontal convolution, 821.
lumbar vein, 667.
oblique muscle, 412.
palatine artery, 555.
parietal convolution, 823.
pharyngeal artery, 557.
ramus of ischium, 235.
of os pubis, 235.
Association fibers of cerebral hemispheres, 843.
neurons, 755.
Asterion, 183, 198.
Astragalus, 266.
ossification of, 275.
Atavistic epiphyses, 95.
Atlantoöccipital articulation, 295.
Atlas, 99.
development of anterior arch of, 82.
ossification of, 113.
Atresia, congenital, of pupil, 1003.
Atria of bronchi, 1098.
Atrial canal, 508.
Atrioventricular bundle of His, 537.
opening, left, 533, 534.
right, 531.
Atrium dextrum, 529.
of heart, left, 533.
primitive, 508.
right, 529.
of nasal fossa, 994.
sinistrum, 533.
Attic or epitympanic recess, 142, 1038.
Attolens aurem muscle, 1035.
Attrahens aurem muscle, 1035.
Auditory artery, 580.
internal, 580.
canal, external, 1036.
meatus, external, 1036.
nerve, 905.
ossicles, 1044.
development of, 1033.
pit, 1029.
plate, 1029.
teeth of Huschke, 1055.
tube, 1042.
cartilaginous portion of, 1043.
cushion of, 1043, 1147.
isthmus of, 1043.
osseous portion of, 1043.
pharyngeal ostium of, 1141.
tonsil of, 1043.
torus tubarius, 1043.
veins, 1059.
vesicle, 1030.
Auerbach’s plexus, 1177.
Auricle, left, 533.
right, 523.
Auricula dextra, 529.
of ear, 1033.
cartilage of, 1034.
development of, 1033.
ligaments of, 1035.
muscles of, 1035.
vessels and nerves of, 1036.
of heart, left, 533.
right, 529.
sinistra, 533.
Auricular appendix, left, 533.
right, 529.
artery, anterior, 559.
deep, 560.
of occipital, 557.
posterior, 557.
lymph glands, 693.
nerve, anterior, 895.
great, 926.
posterior, 905.
of vagus, 911.
point, 198.
surface of ilium, 234.
of sacrum, 108.
tubercle of Darwin, 1033.
vein, posterior, 646.
Auricularis muscles, 1035.
Auriculotemporal nerve, 895.
Auriculoventricular groove, 527.
Auris interna, 1047.
Auscultation, triangle of, 434.
Axes of pelvis, 240.
Axial filament of spermatozoön, 43.
skeleton, 79.
Axilla, 585.
fascia of, 436.
Axillary arch, 434.
artery, 586.
branches of, 587.
surface markings of, 1331.
lymph glands, 699.
nerve, 934.
sheath, 586.
vein, 663.
Axis, celiac, 603.
of lens, 1019.
optic, 1001.
thoracic, 588.
thyroid, 581.
of vertebra, 100.
ossification of, 113.
Axis-cylinder process, 723.
Axon of nerve cells, 723.
Azygos arteries of vagina, 616.
artery, articular, 633.
uvulæ muscle, 1139.
vein, 667.
Back, muscles of, 396.
Baillarger, band of, 835, 845.
Ball-and-socket joint, 285.
Band of Baillarger, 835, 845.
of Bechterew, 846.
of Gennari, 846.
of Giacomini, 827.
iliotibial, 468.
moderator, 532.
Bare area of liver, 1150.
Bartholin, duct of, 1136.
glands of, 1213, 1266.
Basal column, posterior, 758.
lamina, 735.
optic nucleus of Meynert, 813.
plate of placenta, 63.
ridge, or cingulum of tooth, 1116.
vein, 653.
Base of cerebral peduncle, 802.
of heart, 527.
of sacrum, 109.
of skull, inferior surface, 179.
upper surface of, 190.
Basichromatin, 37.
Basihyal of hyoid bone, 177.
Basilar artery, 580.
crest, 1054.
membrane, 1056.
part of occipital bone, 132.
plexus of veins, 660.
sinus, 660.
Basilic vein, 662.
median, 661.
Basion, 181, 198.