Anatomy of the Human Body > Subject Index > Page 4 CONTENTS · ILLUSTRATIONS · SUBJECT INDEX


Artery or Arteries, abdominal aorta, 602.
accessory pudendal, 618.
meningeal, 561.
acromiothoracic, 588.
alveolar, 561.
anastomoses of, 543.
anastomotic branch of inferior gluteal, 620.
anastomotica magna, of brachial, 592.
anastomotica magna of femoral, 631.
angular, 556.
anterior cerebral, 571.
choroidal, 574.
ciliary, 571.
communicating, 571.
humeral circumflex, 589.
inferior cerebellar, 580.
meningeal, 568.
spinal, 579.
tibial, 634.
tympanic, 560.
antero-lateral ganglionic, 573.
antero-medial ganglionic, 561.
aorta, 545.
abdominal, 602.
arch of, 547.
ascending, 545.
descending, 598.
thoracic, 598.
appendicular, 607.
arcuate, 637.
articular, 633.
ascending cervical, 581.
palatine, 555.
pharyngeal, 557.
auditory, 580.
internal, 580.
auricular, anterior, 559.
deep, 560.
of occipital, 557.
posterior, 557.
axillary, 586.
azygos, of knee, 633.
of vagina, 616.
basilar, 580.
brachial, 589.
brachiocephalic, 548.
of brain, 574.
bronchial, 600, 1100.
buccal, 561.
buccinator, 561.
bulbar, 580.
calcaneal, 638, 639.
capsular, middle, 610.
caroticotympanic, 568.
carotid, common, 549.
external, 551.
internal, 566.
carpal, dorsal, 594.
radial, 594.
ulnar, 598.
volar, 594, 598.
cavernous, 568.
cecal, of ileocolic, 607.
central, of retina, 571, 1018.
cerebellar, 580.
cerebral, anterior, 571.
middle, 572.
posterior, 580.
of cerebral hemorrhage, 573.
cervical, ascending, 581.
deep, 585.
superficial, 582.
transverse, 582.
choroid, 574.
choroidal, 574, 581.
ciliary, 571.
circle of Willis, 574.
circumflex, femoral, 630.
humeral, 589.
coccygeal of inferior gluteal, 620.
cochlear, 1059.
cœliac, 603.
colic, 609, 610.
comitans nervi ischiadici, 620.
phrenici, 583.
common carotid, 549.
iliac, 613.
interosseous, 596.
communicating, anterior, 571.
of dorsalis pedis, 637.
posterior, 573.
coronary, of heart, 546.
Artery or Arteries, coronary, of lips, 555.
of stomach, 603.
of corpus cavernosum, penis, 620.
costocervical trunk, 585.
cremasteric, 623.
cricothyroid, 552.
cystic, 605.
deep auricular, 560.
epigastric, 623.
external pudendal, 629.
iliac circumflex, 623.
palmar arch, 595.
of penis, 617.
plantar, 637.
temporal, 561.
volar branch of ulnar, 598.
dental, inferior, 561.
posterior, 562.
descending aorta, 598.
development of, 505, 514.
branch of occipital, 557.
palatine, 562.
digital, foot, 640.
hand, 598.
volar, 598.
distribution of, 543.
dorsal carpal of radial, 594.
of ulnar, 598.
interosseous, 596.
metacarpal, 594.
nasal, 571.
of penis, 620.
dorsales linguæ, 553.
dorsalis hallucis, 637.
pedis, 636.
scapulæ, 588.
of ductus deferens, 615.
epigastric, deep or inferior, 623.
superficial, 629.
superior, 585.
esophageal, of aorta, 600.
of inferior thyroid, 581.
ethmoidal, 570.
external carotid, 551.
iliac, 622.
maxillary, 553.
plantar, 639.
pudendal, 629.
facial, 553.
transverse, 558.
femoral, 623.
circumflex, 630.
fibular, 635.
frontal, 570.
ganglionic, 571, 573, 581.
gastric, 603, 604, 606.
gastroduodenal, 604.
gastroepiploic, 604, 606.
genicular, 631, 633, 634.
gluteal, 620.
of head and neck, 549.
helicine, 1251.
hemorrhoidal, inferior, 619.
middle, 615.
superior, 610.
hepatic, 603.
highest genicular, 631.
intercostal, 585.
thoracic, 587.
humeral circumflex, 589.
hypogastric, 614.
obliterated, 615.
ileal, of ileocolic, 607.
ileocolic, 607.
iliac circumflex, deep, 623.
superficial, 629.
common, 613.
external, 622.
internal, 614.
iliolumbar, 621.
inferior alveolar, 561.
articular, of knee, 633.
cerebellar, 580.
Artery or Arteries, inferior epigastric, 623.
genicular, 633.
gluteal, 620.
hemorrhoidal, 619.
labial, 555.
laryngeal, 581.
mesenteric, 609.
pancreaticoduodenal, 607.
phrenic, 612.
profunda, 591.
thyroid, 581.
tympanic, 558.
ulnar collateral, 592.
infrahyoid, 552.
infraorbital, 562.
infrascapular, 588.
innominate, 548.
intercostal, 600, 601.
branches of internal mammary, 583.
highest, 585.
superior, 585.
interlobular, of kidney, 1223.
internal auditory, 580, 1059.
carotid, 566.
iliac, 614.
mammary, 583.
maxillary, 559.
palpebral, 570.
plantar, 639.
pudendal or pudic, 617.
spermatic, 611.
interosseous, anterior, 596.
common, 596.
dorsal, 596.
palmar, 595.
posterior, 596.
volar, 596.
intestinal, 607.
labial, 555.
of labyrinth, 1059.
lacrimal, 569.
laryngeal, inferior, 581.
superior, 552.
lateral calcaneal, 638.
femoral circumflex, 630.
nasal, 556.
palpebral, 569.
sacral, 621.
tarsal, 637.
left colic, 610.
gastric, 603.
gastroepiploic, 606.
lienal, 605.
lingual, 553.
deep, 553.
long ciliary, 571.
thoracic, 588.
of lower extremity, 623.
lumbar, 612.
malleolar, 635.
internal, 639.
mammary, internal, 583.
masseteric, 561.
maxillary, external, 553.
internal, 559.
medial palpebral, 570.
mediana, 596.
mediastinal, from aorta, 600.
from internal mammary, 583.
medidural, 560.
medullary, 580.
meningeal, accessory, 561.
anterior, 568.
of ascending pharyngeal, 558.
middle, 560.
of occipital, 557.
small, 561.
of vertebral, 579.
mesenteric, inferior, 609.
superior, 606.
metatarsal, 637.
middle cerebral, 572.
genicular, 633.
middle hemorrhoidal, 615.
meningeal, 560.
sacral, 612.
mode of division of, 543.
of origin of branches, 543.
musculophrenic, 583.
mylohyoid, 561.
nasal, 571.
dorsal, 571.
lateral, 556.
nasopalatine, 562.
nerves of, 499.
obturator, 616.
occipital, 556.
ophthalmic, 568.
ovarian, 611.
palatine, ascending, 555.
of ascending pharyngeal, 557.
descending, 562.
palmar arch, deep, 595.
superficial, 598.
palpebral, 569, 570.
internal, 570.
pancreatic, of lienal, 606.
pancreaticoduodenal, 605.
parvidural, 561.
perforating, of foot, 640.
of hand, 595.
of internal mammary, 584.
of thigh, 631.
pericardiacophrenic, 584.
pericardial, 584, 600.
perineal, 619.
superficial, 619.
peroneal, 638.
anterior, 638.
pharyngeal, ascending, 557.
of internal maxillary, 562.
phrenic, inferior, 612.
superior, 601.
plantar, deep, 637.
lateral (external), 639.
medial (internal), 639.
metatarsal, 640.
pontine, 580.
popliteal, 632.
posterior auricular, 557.
cerebral, 580.
communicating, 573.
humeral circumflex, 589.
inferior cerebellar, 580.
meningeal, from vertebral, 579.
scapular, 582.
scrotal, 619.
superior alveolar, 562.
tibial, 637.
postero-medial ganglionic, 574, 581.
princeps cervicis, 557.
pollicis, 595.
profunda, 591.
brachii, 591.
cervicalis, 585.
femoris, 629.
linguæ, 553.
superior, 591.
of pterygoid canal, 562, 568.
pudendal, external, 629.
internal, 617.
in female, 620.
in male, 617.
pudic, external, 629.
internal, 617.
pulmonary, 543.
pyloric, 604.
radial, 592.
recurrent, 594.
radialis indicis, 595.
ranine, 553.
recurrent, of hand, 595.
interosseous, 597.
radial, 594.
tibial, 635.
Artery or Arteries, recurrent ulnar, 596.
renal, 610.
right colic, 609.
gastric, 604.
gastroepiploic, 606.
sacral, lateral, 621.
middle, 613.
scapular circumflex, 588.
posterior, 582.
transverse, 582.
sciatic, 620.
scrotal, posterior, 619.
sheaths of, 499.
short ciliary, 571.
gastric, 606.
sigmoid, 610.
spermatic, 611.
external, 623.
internal, 611.
sphenopalatine, 562.
spinal, 579.
splenic, 605.
sternocleidomastoid, 552, 556.
sternomastoid, 552, 556.
striate, 573.
structure of, 498.
stylomastoid, 557.
subclavian, 575.
subcostal, 601.
sublingual, 553.
submaxillary, 555.
submental, 555.
subscapular, 588.
superficial cervical, 582.
epigastric, 629.
external pudendal, 629.
iliac circumflex, 629.
palmar arch, 598.
temporal, 558.
volar, 594.
arch, 598.
superior articular, of knee, 633.
cerebellar, 580.
epigastric, 585.
gluteal, 622.
hemorrhoidal, 610.
intercostal, 585.
labial, 555.
laryngeal, 552.
mesenteric, 606.
phrenic, 601.
profunda, 591.
thoracic, 587.
thyroid, 552.
tympanic, 561.
ulnar collateral, 591.
vesical, 615.
superhyoid, 553.
supraorbital, 569.
suprarenal, 610, 612.
suprascapular, 582.
sural, 633.
systemic distribution of, 543.
tarsal, 637.
temporal, 558.
deep, 561.
middle, 558.
superficial, 558.
thoracic, 587, 588.
aorta, 598.
axis, 588.
highest, 587.
lateral, 588.
superior, 587.
thoracoacromial, 588.
thyreoidea ima, 549.
thyrocervical trunk, 581.
thyroid axis, 581.
inferior, 581.
superior, 552.
tibial, anterior, 634.
posterior, 637.
recurrent, 635.
tonsillar, 555.
Artery or Arteries, transversa colli, 582.
transverse cervical, 582.
facial, 558.
perineal, 619.
scapular, 582.
transversalis colli, 582.
of trunk, 598.
tympanic, 558, 560.
ulnar, 595.
recurrent, 596.
umbilical, in fetus, 540.
of upper extremity, 575.
urethral, 619.
of urethral bulb, 619.
uterine, 615.
vaginal, 616.
vasa aberrantia, 590.
brevia, 606.
intestini tenuis, 607.
vertebral, 578.
vesical, 615.
vestibular, 1059.
Vidian, 562, 568.
volar arch, deep, 595.
superficial, 598.
carpal, 594.
digital, common, 598.
interosseous, 596.
metacarpal, 595.
proper, 598.
volaris indicis radialis, 595.
Arthrodia, 286.
Articular arteries, 633.
capsules, 279.
cartilage, 282.
disk of acromioclavicular joint, 315.
of distal radioulnar joint, 325.
of sternoclavicular joint, 314.
of temporomandibular joint, 258.
lamella of bone, 279.
meniscus, 298.
processes of vertebræ, 96.
tubercle of temporal bone, 139, 180.
Articulatio acromioclavicularis, 315.
atlantoepistrophica, 292.
calcaneocuboidea, 354.
coxæ, 333.
cubiti, 321.
cuneonavicularis, 356.
ellipsoidea, 286.
genu, 339.
humeri, 317.
mandibularis, 297.
radiocarpea, 327.
radioulnaris, 324.
distalis, 325.
proximalis, 324.
sacroiliaca, 306.
sellaris, 286.
sternoclavicularis, 313.
talocalcanea, 352.
talocalcaneonavicularis, 353.
talocruralis, 349.
tibiofibularis, 348.
trochoidea, 285.