Anatomy of the Human Body > Subject Index > Page 7 CONTENTS · ILLUSTRATIONS · SUBJECT INDEX


Brachiocephalic artery, 548.
veins, 664.
Brachioradialis muscle, 451.
actions of, 456.
nerves of, 456.
variations of, 451.
Brain, arteries of, 574.
commissures of, 809.
development of, 736.
divisions of, 766.
dura of, 872.
meninges of, 872.
pathways from, to spinal cord, 870.
pia of, 878.
sensory pathways from spinal cord to, 851.
surface markings of, 1292.
veins of, 652.
weight of, 848.
Branchial arches, 65.
grooves, 65.
Breadth index of skull, 198.
Breast bone, 119.
Breasts or mammæ, 1267.
development of, 1267.
Bregma, 178, 198.
Bregmatic fontanelle, 196.
Bridge of nose, 992.
Brim of pelvis, 238.
Broad ligaments of uterus, 1154, 1260.
Broca, cap of, 822.
diagonal band of, 869.
gyrus of, 822.
limbic lobe of, 825.
parolfactory area of, 826.
Bronchi, 1084.
divisions of, 1097.
eparterial, 1097.
hyparterial, 1097.
intrapulmonary, 1098.
left, 1085.
lymphatic capillaries in, 686.
right, 1085.
Bronchial arteries, 600, 1100.
nerves, 913.
veins, 667, 1100.
Bronchomediastinal trunks, 717, 718.
Bronchus dexter, 1085.
sinister, 1085.
Brunner’s glands, 1176.
Bryant’s triangle, 1343.
Buccœ, 1112.
Buccal artery, 561.
branches of facial nerve, 905.
cavity, 1110.
glands, 1112.
nerve, long, 895.
Buccinator artery, 561.
muscle, 384.
relations of, 384.
nerve, 895.
Bucconasal membrane, 70.
Buccopharyngeal fascia, 390.
membrane, 47.
Bulb of aorta, 545.
of corpuscavernosum penis, 1248.
of eye, 1000.
olfactory, 826, 848.
of posterior cornu, 831.
spinal, 767.
vaginal, 1266.
of vestibule, 1266.
Bulbar arteries, 580.
Bulbocavernosus muscle, 428, 430.
actions of, 428, 430.
Bulbospinal fasciculus, 854.
Bulbourethral glands of Cowper, 1215, 1253.
Bulbs of internal jugular vein, 648.
Bulbus cordis, 508.
oculi, 1000.
olfactorius, 826.
Bulbus vestibuli, 1266.
Bulla ethmoidalis, 195, 995.
Bundle of His, 537.
oval, 735.
of Vicq d’Azyr, 810, 813, 839, 869.
Burdach, tract of, 752, 763.
Burns’ space, 389.
Bursa, omental, 1152, 1155.
development of, 1106.
omentalis, 1155.
pharyngeal, 1141.
prepatellar, 471.
Bursæ beneath glutæus maximus, 474.
mucosæ, 283.
near knee-joint, 345.
shoulder-joint, 319.
Cacuminal lobe, 790.
Calamus scriptorius, 799.
Calcaneal arteries, 638, 639.
lateral, 638.
medial, 639.
nerve, internal, 963.
medial, 963.
sulcus, 263.
tuberosity, 266.
Calcaneoastragaloid articulation 352.
ligaments, 352.
Calcaneocuboid ligaments, 354.
Calcaneonavicular ligaments, 355.
Calcaneotibial ligament, 350.
Calcaneus, 263.
ossification of, 275.
Calcar avis, 831.
Calcarine fissure, 820.
Calf bone, 260.
Calices of kidney, 1221, 1225.
Callosal convolution, 825.
fissure, 825, 828.
Callosomarginal fissure, 820.
Camper, fascia of, 408.
Canaliculi of bone, 89.
dental, 1119.
Canaliculus, inferior tympanic, 144, 181.
mastoid, 144, 181.
Canalis centralis cochleœ, 143.
craniopharyngeus, 153.
reuniens [of Hensen], 1052, 1054.
Canal or Canals, adductor, 627.
Alcock’s, 421.
alimentary, 1100.
alveolar, 158.
atrial, 508.
auditory, external, 1036.
carotid, 143, 181.
central, of medulla spinalis, 754.
of cervix of uterus, 1260.
condyloid, 131.
craniopharyngeal, 153, 1277.
ethmoidal, 138, 154.
femoral, 625.
Haversian, of bone, 89.
of Huguier, 141, 904, 1039.
Hunter’s, 627.
hyaloid, 1018.
hypoglossal, 131.
incisive, 162, 180.
infraorbital, 159.
inguinal, 418.
lacrimal, 1028.
mandibular, 173.
neural, 50.
neurenteric, 50.
of Nuck, 1211, 1261.
of Petit, 1019.
pharyngeal, 180.
pterygoid, 181.
pterygopalatine, 159, 168.
Canal or Canals, sacral, 110.
of Schlemm, 1005.
semicircular, 1049.
membranous, 1052.
spermatic, 418.
spiral, of modiolus, 1051.
vertebral, 110.
Canales semicirculares ossei, 1049.
Canaliculus innominatus of Arnold, 150, note
Canalis adductorius, 627.
centralis [medulla spinalis], 754.
cervicis uteri, 1260.
inguinalis, 418, 1239.
sacralis, 110.
semicircularis lateralis, 1049.
posterior, 1049.
superior, 1049.
Cancellous tissue of bone, 86.
Canine eminence, 158.
fossa, 158.
teeth, 1117.
Caninus muscle, 383.
actions of, 383.
nerves of, 383.
Canthi of eyelids, 1025.
Cap of Broca, 822.
Capillaries, 499.
bile, 1179.
lymphatic, 684.
structure of, 500.
Capitate bone, 226.
Capitulum fibulæ, 260.
humeri, 212.
mallei, 1044.
stapedis, 1045.
Capsula articularis. See Individual joints.; cricoarytænoidea, 1087.
externa, 837.
extrema, 835.
interna, 836.
lentis, 1019.
vasculosa lentis, 1003.
Capsular artery, middle, 610.
Capsule, adipose, of kidney, 1220.
adrenal, 1278.
of Bowman, 1221.
of brain, 835, 836, 837.
of Glisson, 1157, 1194.
of lens, 1019.
of Ténon, 1024.
Caput cæcum coli, 1177.
femoris, 243.
humeri, 209.
pancreatis, 1200.
tali, 267.
Cardiac cycle, 538.
ganglion of Wrisberg, 984.
glands of stomach, 1166.
muscular tissue, 536.
nerves, cervical, 912.
from sympathetic, 979.
from vagus, 912.
great, 979.
inferior, 912.
middle, 979.
superior, 912.
thoracic, 912.
notch, 1096.
orifice of stomach, 1161.
plexus of nerves, 984.
veins, 642.
Cardinal veins, 520.
Caroticoclinoid foramen, 151, 191.
ligament, 153.
Caroticotympanic artery, 568.
nerve, 1047.