Anatomy of the Human Body > Subject Index > Page 1 CONTENTS · ILLUSTRATIONS · SUBJECT INDEX


Abdomen, 1147.
apertures in walls of, 1147.
boundaries of, 1147.
fascia of, 408.
triangular, 412.
lymph glands of, 703.
muscles of, 408.
actions of, 417.
nerves of, 417.
regions of, 1147.
surface anatomy of, 1313.
markings of, 1315.
Abdominal aorta, 603.
branches of, 603.
surface markings of, 1321.
aortic plexus, 987.
muscles, 408.
ring, deep, 418.
external, 410.
inguinal, 418.
internal, 418.
wall, lymphatic vessels of, 706.
Abducent nerve, 899.
composition and central connections of, 861.
Abductor digiti quinti muscle (foot), 492.
actions of, 496.
nerves of, 495.
variations of, 492.
(hand), 463.
actions of, 464.
nerves of, 464.
variations of, 464.
hallucis muscle, 491.
actions of, 495.
nerves of, 495.
variations of, 491.
indicis muscle, 464.
minimi digiti muscle, 463.
pollicis brevis muscle, 461.
actions of, 462.
nerves of, 462.
variations of, 462.
longus muscle, 455.
actions of, 456.
nerves of, 456.
variations of, 455.
muscle, 461.
Aberrant ducts of testis, 1246.
Abnormalities of vertebral column, 116.
Accelerator urinæ muscle, 428.
Accessory hemiazygos vein, 667.
nerve, 913.
composition and central connections of, 855.
cranial part of, 913.
spinal part of, 913.
obturator nerve, 955.
olivary nuclei, 781.
organs of digestive tube, 1100.
of eye, 1021.
pancreatic duct, 1202.
part of parotid gland, 1134.
processes, 106.
pudendal artery, 618.
sinuses of nose, 998.
Accessory spleens, 1283.
thyroid glands, 1270.
Acetabular fossa, 237.
notch, 237.
Acetabulum, 237.
Achromatic spindle, 37.
Acoustic meatus, external, 145, 183, 1036.
development of, 1033.
internal, 143, 193.
nerve, 905, 1035.
composition and central connections of, 857.
development of, 1033.
nuclei of, 788, 906.
Acromioclavicular joint, 315.
movements of, 316.
surface anatomy of, 1328, 1331.
Acromion, 203.
Acromiothoracic artery, 588.
Adamantoblasts, 1123.
Adductor brevis muscle, 473.
actions of, 474.
nerves of, 474.
variations of, 474.
canal, 627.
hallucis muscle, 493.
actions of, 496.
nerves of, 495.
variations of, 494.
longus muscle, 472.
actions of, 474.
nerves of, 474.
variations of, 474.
magnus muscle, 473.
actions of, 474.
nerves of, 474.
variations of, 474.
minimus muscle, 474.
obliquus hallucis muscle, 493.
pollicis muscle, 462.
pollicis muscles, actions of, 462.
nerves of, 462.
variations of, 462.
obliquus muscle, 462.
transversus muscle, 462.
transversus pollicis muscle, 462.
tubercle, 246.
Adipose capsule of kidney, 1220.
Adminiculum lineæ albæ, 417.
Adrenal capsule, 1278.
gland, lymphatic capillaries in, 686.
Adrenalin, 1280.
Afferent nerves, 729.
vessels of kidney, 1224.
After-birth, 64.
Agger nasi, 161.
Aggregated lymphatic nodules, 1176.
Agminated follicles, 1176.
Air cells, ethmoidal, 154, 998.
mastoid, 142.
sinuses of nose, 998.
of skull, 80.
Ala cinerea, 800.
lobuli centralis, 789.
nasi, 992.
oss. ilii, 232.
Alæ of ethmoid, 153.
of sacrum, 110.
of vomer, 170.
Alar cartilages of nose, 993.
lamina, 735.
Alcock, canal of, 421.
Alimentary canal, 1100.
lymphatic capillaries in, 684.
Allantoic vessels, 54.
Allantois, 54.
Alveolar arch, 161.
arteries, 561.
border of mandible, 173.
canals, 158.
index, 199.
nerves, 890, 891, 896.
point, 161, 198.
process of maxilla, 161.
Alveoli, formation of, 1124.
Alveus, 833, 840.
Amacrine cells of retina, 1017.
Amnion, 56.
false, 56.
Amniotic cavity, 56.
ectoderm, 56.
fold, 56.
Amphiarthroses, 284.
Ampulla of ductus deferens, 1246.
rectal, 1183.
of uterine tube, 1257.
of Vater, 1199.
Ampullæ of semicircular canals, 1049.
of tubuli lactiferi, 1268.
Amygdala, 835.
Amygdaline nucleus, 791.
Amygdaloid nucleus, 869.
Anal canal or anal part of rectum, 1184.
development of, 1108.
lymphatic vessels of, 711.
membrane of, 1110.
valves of, 1184.
fascia, 421.
Anaphase of karyokinesis, 37.
Anastomoses of arteries, 543.
around elbow-joint, 592.
knee-joint, 634.
crucial, 630.
Anastomotic branch of inferior gluteal artery, 620.
Anastomotica magna of brachial artery, 592.
of femoral artery, 631.
Anatomical neck of humerus, 209.
Anconæus muscle, 454.
actions of, 456.
nerves of, 456.
Angiology, 497.
Angle of Louis, 121, note; iridial or filtration, 1007.
of mandible, 174.
of pubis, 236.
of rib, 124.
sacrovertebral, 106.
of sternum, 121.
subscapular, 203.
Angular artery, 556.
gyrus, 823.
movement, 286.