Anatomy of the Human Body > Subject Index > Page 48 CONTENTS · ILLUSTRATIONS · SUBJECT INDEX


Venous arches, 669.
lacunæ of dura mater, 655.
mesocardium, 526.
plexus, hemorrhoidal, 676.
ovarian, 679, 1256.
pampiniform, 678, 1240, 1256.
pharyngeal, 649.
pterygoid, 645.
pudendal, 676.
spermatic, 678, 1240.
uterine, 676.
vaginal, 677.
vesical, 676.
sinuses, 641.
of dura mater, 654.
development of, 522.
valves, right and left, 510.
Ventral cochlear nucleus, 788.
fissure of medulla oblongata, 767.
lamina, 735.
longitudinal bundle, 803.
mesogastrium, 1103.
psalterium, 869.
pulmonary nerves, 193.
spinal artery, 579.
spinothalamic fasciculus, 854.
Ventricle of fornix, 838.
of mid-brain, 806.
terminal, of medulla spinalis, 754.
of Verga, 838.
Ventricles of brain, 797, 798, 815, 829.
of heart, 508, 531, 534.
of larynx, 1080.
Ventricular folds of larynx, 1079.
ligament of larynx, 1080.
septum, 512, 534.
Ventricularis muscle, 1083.
Ventriculus, 1161.
dexter, 531.
laryngis [Morgagni], 1080.
lateralis, 829.
quartus, 797.
tertius, 815.
Ventromedian fissure of medulla oblongata, 767.
Verga, ventricle of, 838.
Vermian fossa, 131.
Vermiform process or appendix, 1178.
Vermis of cerebellum, 788, 790.
Vertebra prominens, 101.
Vertebræ, 96.
cervical, 97.
coccygeal, 106.
ligaments of, 287291.
lumbar, 104.
sacral, 106.
thoracic, 102.
Vertebral arch, 96.
arches, articulations of, 289.
artery, 578.
canal, 116.
column, 96, 114.
articulations of, 287.
surface form of, 1305.
veins of, 667.
foramen, 96.
groove, 115.
notches, 97.
part of base of skull, 84.
ribs, 123.
veins, 651.
venous plexuses, 668.
Vertical index of skull, 198.
lingualis muscle, 1131.
part of palatine bone, 167.
Verticalis linguæ muscle, 1131.
Verumontanum, 1234.
Vesica fellea, 1197.
urinaria, 1227.
Vesical artery, 615.
layer of pelvic fascia, 422.
plexus of nerves, 988.
of veins, 676.
Vesicle, auditory, 1030.
blastodermic, 46.
germinal, 39.
lens, 1001.
optic, 742, 1001.
Vesicoprostatic plexus of veins, 676.
Vesicouterine excavation, 1152.
Vesiculæ seminales, 1246.
Vesicular ovarian follicles, 1256.
Vestibular arteries, 1059.
bulb, 1266.
fissure, 1051.
ganglion, 1058.
glands, greater, 1266.
lip, 1055.
membrane, 1054.
nerve, 906, 1058.
composition and central connections of, 860.
nuclei of, 788.
Vestibule, aortic, 534.
of internal ear, 1047.
of larynx, 1078.
of mouth, 1110.
of nasal cavity, 994.
of omental bursa, 1156.
of vagina, 1266.
Vestibulospinal fasciculus, 803, 872.
tract, 760.
Vestibulum, 1047.
oris, 1110.
vaginæ, 1266.
Vestigial fold of Marshall, 643.
of pericardium, 526.
Vicq d’Azyr, bundle of, 810, 813, 839, 869.
Vidian artery, 562, 568.
nerve, 892.
Vieussens, valve of, 793.
Villi, arachnoid, 878.
of chorion, 60.
of intestine, 1174.
Visceral arches, 65.
veins, 518.
Visual area of cortex, 847.
centres, 814.
purple, 1015.
Visuopsychic, area, 847.
Visuosensory area, 847.
Vitelline circulation, 54, 507.
duct, 1103.
fluid, 54.
membrane, 45.
veins, 506, 518.
Vitreous body of eye, 1018.
table of skull, 79.
Vocal cords, 1079, 1080.
folds, 1080.
process of arytenoid cartilage, 1075.
Vocalis muscle, 1083.
Voice, organs of, 1072.
Volar arches, 595, 598.
surface markings of, 1335.
branch of ulnar nerve, 942.
carpal artery, 594.
ligament, 456.
net-work, 594.
digital arteries, 598.
nerves, 938.
interosseous artery, 596.
nerve, 938.
metacarpal arteries, 595.
veins, 663.
venous arches, 663.
Volaris indicis radialis artery, 595.
Vomer, 170.
Vomeronasal cartilage, 996.
organs, 71, 996.
Vulva, 1264.
Wagner and Meissner, corpuscles of, 1061.
Waldeyer, germinal epithelium of, 1029.
odontoblasts of, 1118.
zona vasculosa of, 1256.
Wallenburg, basal olfactory bundle of, 867.
Wallerian degeneration, 759.
Wandering cells, 377.
Wharton, duct of, 1135.
jelly of, 58.
Willis, circle of, 574.
Windpipe, 1084.
Winslow, foramen of, 603, 1106, 1156.
Wirsung, duct of, 1202.
Wisdom teeth, 1118.
Wolffian body, 1205.
duct, 1205.
tubules, 1205.
Womb, 1258.
Wormian bones, 156.
Wrisberg, cardiac ganglion of, 984.
cartilages of, 1075.
ligament of, 343.
nerve of, 937.
nervus intermedius of, 901.
Wrist-joint, 327.
surface anatomy of, 1331.
Xiphoid appendix, 121.
process, 121.
Y-shaped cartilage of acetabulum, 237.
ligament of Bigelow, 335.
Yolk, formative, 39.
nutritive, 39.
Yolk-sac, 54.
Yolk-stalk, 1103.
Zigzag tubule, 1223.
Zinn, ligament or tendon of, 1022.
zonule of, 1018.
Zones of abdomen, 1148, 1149.
Zonula ciliaris, 1018.
Zonule of Zinn, 1018.
Zygomatic arch, 183.
bone, 164.
branch of facial nerve, 905.
nerve, 889.
process of frontal bone, 136.
of maxilla, 161.
of temporal bone, 139.
Zygomaticofacial foramen, 164, 187.
nerve, 889.
Zygomaticofrontal suture, 182.
Zygomaticoörbital foramina, 165.
Zygomaticotemporal foramen, 164, 183.
nerve, 989, 890.
suture, 182.
Zygomaticus muscle, 383.