Anatomy of the Human Body > Subject Index > Page 45 CONTENTS · ILLUSTRATIONS · SUBJECT INDEX


Trachealis muscle, 1087.
Trachelomastoid muscle, 399.
Tracheobronchial glands, 717.
Trachoma glands, 1028.
Tract or Tracts, anterior basis bundle, 760.
of Burdach, 752, 763.
central, of cranial nerves, 804.
of trigeminal nerve, 805.
cerebellar, of Flechsig, 761.
comma, 764.
dorsal peripheral band, 764.
of Goll, 752, 762.
of Gowers, 761, 754.
lateral basis bundle, 762.
of Lissauer, 762.
olfactory, 826.
optic, 814, 884.
prepyramidal, 761.
pyramidal, 759, 760.
thalamic, of cranial nerves, 805.
Traction epiphyses, 95.
Tractus iliotibialis, 468.
olfactomesencephalicus, 867.
olfactorius, 826.
peduncularis transversus, 802 note; spiralis foraminosus, 143, 1050.
Tragicus muscle, 1035.
Tragus, 1034.
Transpyloric plane, 1147.
Transversa colli artery, 582.
Transversalis cervicis muscle, 399.
colli artery, 582.
fascia, 418.
muscle, 414.
Transverse acetabular ligament of hip-joint, 336.
aorta, 547.
carpal ligament, 456.
cervical arteries, 582.
nerve, 927.
colon, 1180.
crural ligament, 488.
facial artery, 558.
vein, 645.
fibers of cerebral hemispheres, 841, 842.
fissure of brain, 842.
of liver, 1191.
folds of rectum, 1183.
ligament of atlas, 293.
of fingers, 461.
humeral, 319.
of knee, 343.
metacarpal, 331.
metatarsal, 359.
of pelvis, 429.
ligaments of scapula, 317.
lingualis muscle, 1130.
mesocolon, 1157.
occipital sulcus, 823.
process of a vertebra, 96.
scapular artery, 582.
sinus, 660.
of pericardium, 526.
temporal gyri, 824.
Transversus abdominis muscle, 414.
variations of, 414.
auriculæ muscle, 1035.
linguæ muscle, 1130.
menti muscle, 383.
nuchæ muscle, 380.
pedis muscle, 493.
perinæi muscle, 427.
profundus muscle in female, 431.
in male, 429.
superficialis muscle, actions of, 428, 430.
in female, 430.
in male, 427.
Transversus thoracis muscle, 403.
Trapezium, 225.
Trapezius muscle, 432.
actions of, 435.
nerves of, 434.
variations of, 432.
Trapezoid, 225.
body, 787.
ligament, 315.
nucleus, 787.
ridge, 200.
Treves, bloodless fold of, 1160.
Triangle of auscultation, 434.
Bryant’s, 1343.
carotid, 392, 394, 564.
digastric, 564.
femoral, 626.
of Hesselbach, 1321.
lumbar, 434.
muscular, 394, 563.
of neck, 562.
occipital, 394, 565.
of Petit, 434.
Scarpa’s, 626.
subclavian, 394, 565.
submaxillary, 392, 564.
submental, 392.
suboccipital, 402, 578.
suprahyoid, 392, 565.
suprameatal, 140, 183.
Triangular articular disk, 325.
bone, 224.
fascia of abdomen, 412.
ligament, 428.
of liver, 1150, 1151.
Triangularis muscle, 383.
sterni muscle, 403.
Triceps brachii muscle, 444.
extensor cubiti muscle, 444.
muscle, 444.
suræ muscle, 483.
Tricuspid valve, 531.
Trifacial nerve, 886.
Trigeminal impression, 143.
nerve, 886.
central tract of, 805.
composition and central connections of, 862.
reflexes, 899.
surface marking of, 1295.
Trigone, olfactory, 827.
Trigonum collaterale, 833.
femorale, 626.
habenulæ, 812.
hypoglossi, 799.
olfactorium, 827.
vagi, 781.
vesicæ, 1231.
Trochanter, greater, 244.
lesser, 245.
third, 246.
Trochanteric fossa, 244.
Trochlea of humerus, 212.
Trochlear fovea, 137, 188.
nerve, 885.
composition and central connections of, 863.
process of calcaneus, 266.
spine, 137.
Trochoid joint, 285.
Trolard, anastomotic vein of, 652.
Tröltsch, recess of, 1046.
Trophoblast, 46.
True nucleoli, 37.
pelvis, 239.
skin, 1065.
vocal cords, 1080.
Truncus arteriosus, 508, 514.
costocervicalis, 585.
sympathicus, 976.
thyreocervicalis, 581.
Trunk, arteries of, 598.
articulations of, 287.
costocervical, 585.
thyrocervical, 581.
Tuba auditiva, 1042.
uterina [Fallopii], 1257.
Tube, auditory, 1042.
digestive, 1100.
Eustachian, 1042.
Fallopian, 1257.
neural, 50.
uterine, 1257.
Tuber cinereum, 775.
frontale, 135.
omentale [liver], 1189.
[pancreas], 1201.
parietale, 133.
valvulæ, 791.
vermis [cerebellum], 791.
Tuberæ lobe, 791.
Tubercle, adductor, 246.
anterior, 99.
articular, of temporal bone, 139, 180.
auricular, of Darwin, 1033.
conoid, 200.
cuneate, 774.
cuneiform, 1079.
of epiglottis, 1076.
of femur, 245.
of humerus, 209.
intervenous, 531.
jugular, 131.
lacrimal, 161.
of Lower, 531.
mental, 172.
obturator, 273.
peroneal, 266.
pharyngeal, 132, 180.
posterior, 99.
pterygoid, 152.
pubic, 236.
of rib, 124.
of Rolando, 775.
scalene, 125.
Tuberculum acusticum, 800, 906.
impar, 1102.
intervenosum, 531.
majus [humeri], 209.
minus [humeri], 209.
sellæ, 147, 190.
Tuberosity, calcaneal, 266.
coracoid, 200.
costal, 202.
of cuboid, 269.
deltoid, 211.
of fifth metatarsal bone, 274.
gluteal, 246.
iliac, 234.
infraglenoid, 205.
of ischium, 235.
maxillary, 159.
of navicular bone, 270.
of palatine bone, 168.
radial, 219.
supraglenoid, 207.
of tibia, 256.
of ulna, 214.
Tubules, renal, 1223.
Tubuli lactiferi, 1268.
recti [testis], 1244.
seminiferi, 1243.
Tunic, dartos, 1238.
fibrous, of kidney, 1220.
Tunica adventitia, 499.
albuginea [ovary], 1256.
[testis], 1242.
conjunctiva bulbi, 1027.
dartos, 1238.
elastica externa, 499.
fibrosa oculi, 1005.
intima, 498.
media, 498.
serosa, 1149.
vaginalis, 1242.
communis [testis et funiculi spermatici], 1239.
propria testis, 1242.
vasculosa [testis], 1243.
vasculosa oculi, 1009.