Anatomy of the Human Body > Subject Index > Page 11 CONTENTS · ILLUSTRATIONS · SUBJECT INDEX


Deep abdominal ring, 418.
artery of penis, 617.
auricular artery, 560.
cerebral veins, 653.
cervical artery, 585.
fascia, 388.
lymph glands, 697.
vein, 651.
crural arch, 419.
epigastric artery, 623.
vein, 672.
external pudic artery, 629.
fascia of arm, 442.
of forearm, 445.
femoral artery, 629.
iliac circumflex vein, 673.
lingual artery, 553.
muscles of back, 396.
palmar arch, 595.
peroneal nerve, 965.
petrosal nerve, 892.
plantar artery, 637.
Sylvian vein, 653.
temporal arteries, 561.
nerves, 895.
transverse fascia of leg, 483.
Degeneration, Wallerian, 759.
Deglutition, 1140.
Deiters, cells of, 1058.
nucleus of, 788, 803.
Deltoid ligament, 350.
muscle, 439.
tuberosity, 211.
Deltoideus muscle, 439.
actions of, 440.
nerves of, 440.
variations of, 440.
Demilunes of Heidenhain, 1136.
Demours, membrane of, 1008.
Dendrons of nerve cells, 723.
Dens, or odontoid process of axis, 99.
serotinus, 1118.
Dental artery, inferior, 561.
posterior, 562.
canaliculi, 1119.
formulæ, 1114.
furrow, 1122.
germs, 1122.
lamina, 1122.
nerve, inferior, 896.
pulp, 1118.
sac, 1123.
Dentate fissure, 826.
gyrus, 827, 868.
ligament, 880.
Dentes, 1112.
canini, 1116.
decidui, 1118.
incisivi, 1115.
molares, 1118.
permanentes, 1115.
præmolares, 1118.
Dentin, 1119.
formation of, 1123.
intertubular, 1120.
secondary, 1120.
Dentinal canaliculi, 1119.
fibers, 1119.
matrix, 1119.
sheath of Neumann, 1119.
tubules, 1109.
Depressions for arachnoid granulations, 134.
Depressor alæ nasi muscle, 382.
anguli oris muscle, 381.
labii inferioris muscle, 383.
septi muscle, 382.
actions of, 382.
nerves of, 382.
Dermal bones, 85.
Dermic coat of hair follicle, 1076.
Dermis, 1065.
Descemet, membrane of, 1008.
Descendens cervicalis nerve, 928.
Descending aorta, 598.
colon, 1181.
comma-shaped fasciculus, 764.
oblique muscle, 409.
palatine artery, 562.
process of lacrimal bone, 164.
ramus of hypoglossal nerve, 918.
of ischium, 235.
of os pubis, 237.
Descent of testis, 1210.
Detrusor urinæ muscle, 1233.
Deutoplasm, 39.
Development of allantois, 54.
of amnion, 56.
of anal canal, 1108.
of arteries, 515.
of body cavities, 72.
of bone, 86.
of brain, 736.
of branchial or visceral arches, 65.
of chorion, 60.
of chromaphil and cortical systems, 1277.
of cranial nerves, 748.
of deciduous teeth, 1122.
of diencephalon, 742.
of digestive tube, 1101.
of ear, 1029.
of external organs of generation, 1213.
of eye, 1001.
of face, 67.
of fetal membranes, 54.
of heart, 506.
of hypophysis cerebri, 1276.
of joints, 283.
of kidney, 1211.
of limbs, 71.
of liver, 1193.
of lymphatic system, 768.
of mammæ, 1101.
of medulla spinalis, 749.
of mouth, 1101.
of muscles, 371.
of nervous system, 733.
of neural groove and tube, 50.
of nose, 67.
of notochord, 52.
of ovaries, 1207.
of palate, 70.
of palatine tonsils, 1103.
of pancreas, 1202.
of parathyroid glands, 1272.
of permanent teeth, 1124.
of pharyngeal pouches, 65.
of placenta, 62.
of primitive segments, 52.
streak, 47.
of prostate, 1213.
of rectum, 1108.
of respiratory organs, 1071.
of ribs, 82.
of salivary glands, 1102.
of skeleton, 80.
of skin, 1066.
of skull, 83.
of spinal nerves, 735.
of spleen, 1282.
of sternum, 83.
of suprarenal glands, 1278.
of teeth, 1121.
of testis, 1210.
of thymus, 1273.
of thyroid gland, 1270.
of tongue, 1102.
of umbilical cord, 57.
of urethra, 1215.
of urinary bladder, 1212.
and generative organs, 1205.
of vascular system, 505.
of veins, 518.
of venous sinuses of dura mater, 522.
of vertebral column, 80.
of visceral arches, 65.
of yolk-sac, 54.
Diagonal band of Broca, 869.
Diameters of pelvis, 239, 240.
Diaphragm, lymphatic vessels of, 717.
muscles of, 404.
actions of, 406.
nerves of, 406.
variations of, 406.
pelvic, 420, 1147.
Diaphragm, urogenital, 428.
Diaphragma sellæ, 874.
Diaphragmatic lymph glands, 715.
part of pelvic fascia, 421.
pleura, 1088.
surface of heart, 529.
Diarthroses, 285.
Diaster, 37.
Diencephalon, 807.
development of, 742.
Digastric fossa, 141.
muscle, 391.
nerve from facial, 905.
triangle, 564.
Digastricus muscle, 391.
actions of, 393.
nerves of, 393.
variations of, 392.
Digestion, organs of, 1100.
Digestive apparatus, 1100.
development of, 1101.
tube, 1100.
Digital arteries of foot, 640.
from superficial volar arch, 598.
of hand, 598.
fossa of epididymis, 1242.
of femur, 244.
nerves of lateral plantar, 963.
of medial plantar, 963.
of median, 938.
of musculocutaneous, 937.
of radial, 943.
of ulnar, 939.
vaginal ligaments, 449.
veins of foot, 669.
of hand, 660.
Digits, articulations of, 333.
Dilatator naris anterior muscle, 382.
action of, 382.
nerves of, 382.
posterior muscle, 382.
action of, 382.
nerves of, 382.
pupillæ muscle, 1013.
tubæ muscle, 1044.
Diploë, 80.
Diploic veins, 651, 652.
Direct cerebellar fasciculus, 758.
tract, 778.
of Flechsig, 761.
pyramidal tract, 759.
Discharge of ovum, 1256.
Discus articularis, 298.
proligerus, 1256.
Disk, interpubic, 311.
optic, 1015.
Disks, tactile, of Merkel, 1059.
Diverticulum ilei, 1172.
Meckel’s, 54, 1172.
Divisions of bronchi, 1197.
of cells, 37.
Dobie’s line, 375.
Dogiel, cells of, 921.
Dorsal aortæ, 517.
artery of penis, 620.
carpal artery, of radial, 594.
of ulnar, 598.
ligament, 458.
cutaneous nerves, 963, 966.
fissure of medulla oblongata, 767.
interossei muscles, 464, 495.
interosseous artery, 596.
nerve, 944.
lamina, 735.
mesogastrium, 1103.
metacarpal arteries, 594.
veins, 663.
nasal artery, 571.
nerve of penis, 968.
peripheral band, 764.
pulmonary nerves, 913.
scapular nerve, 932.
spinal artery, 579.
veins of penis, 676.
venous arch of foot, 669.
net-work of hand, 660.
vestibular nucleus, 788.